Resisting Alien Abduction

Since I am not an abductee and don’t deal with them in any professional capacity, I cannot claim to be an expert on evading abduction. Once a law enforcement friend asked me what I thought would be a good defense. Since that first question, I’ve read and thought a good deal about the abduction phenomena, and I do have some additional opinions for whatever they are worth. The thoughts below are for those who do not accept the “friendly space brothers” theory of alien interaction. You see yourself as a victim, which in fact, you are.

Some have found it effective to call on the name of Jesus Christ or some other saintly entity like a Catholic saint or the Archangel Michael. But the name of Jesus does not work for everyone. Perhaps they are calling on the wrong Jesus. The biblical Jesus is the one who walked on water, raised the dead, forgave the sinners, gave us a new set of life instructions, prophesied the destruction of Jerusalem, warned his followers about the dangers of hell, was transfigured before three of his followers, and rose from the dead. Any other spin on who He is will not carry the power of heaven behind it.

Also, calling on Jesus like a magic charm is not effective. There needs to be some personal commitment because Jesus the Messiah came to rescue those who want to spend eternity with him. He is not a random ATM machine where you plug in a card and get some rich reward. Wearing a cross won't expunge the devil if that cross is not emblazoned on your heart.

However, most abductees are not Christians. Those that are, are often theologically naïve or are in conflict with the church. I have been in many different kinds of churches since 1965. I have occasionally heard of demon possession and oppression, deliverances and exorcisms, but have never have heard Christians talking about seeing UFOs in their yards or aliens in their bedrooms.

So what would I say to someone who is not a Christian and doesn’t want to be one? Here are some thoughts.

First, learn to pray. Pray to the God of mercy and grace. It can be in your mind because both God and the devil can read our thoughts and communicate with us telepathically. Pray the Lord’s Prayer and don’t stop. It ends with “deliver us from the Evil One.” Think about God in the midst of paranormal attacks. The entities that were running Robert Monroe’s life told him that there was no God. That is often the message of entities who channel through hypnotically regressed clients who are looking for past lives. Edgar Cayce, on the other hand, got the opposite message. His spirits had a great respect for Jesus. It’s all BS. They know what you need to hear and sense what they can put over on you.

They will tell you things to get you into a highly emotional state, either terror, pain, love, anger, doom, the destruction of the planet, etc. Stay calm if you can. They feed off our emotions. Screaming in rage won’t make them go away. Many of the images you will see are not real. They are illusions.

Read about the phenomenon. Jesus told us to be wise as serpents but harmless as doves. In the Bible the Enemy is often referred to mythically as a serpent. We need to understand evil without participating in it. We want to understand the enemy to defeat their tactics without falling into the same practices.

Don’t believe any messages about disasters on the planet. False prophecies abound of earthquakes, comets, tsunamis, polar shifts, nuclear wars, etc., that have come through contactees over the last hundred years or so. That includes channelers like Cayce, Ruth Montgomery, and Jean Dixon, Vance Davis, and many others. Multitudes of these predictions, even through the most famous channelers, have failed to come to pass.

Live a virtuous life. If you can’t believe that Jesus is the Son of God, then think about living His teachings. Love your neighbor. Forgive those who have damaged you. Quit lying. Burn or delete the porn. Serve others unselfishly. The aliens will hate it. 

Don’t let them destroy your marriage or pick your “soul mate”. If they heal you, understand that but for them, you might not have needed healing in the first place. They want you to feel grateful and beholding to them.

Remember that the emotions you feel in their presence may be psychotronically controlled by them. Don’t believe your emotions. Use your head.

Do not willingly surrender your sovereignty. Do not capitulate to their agenda and rationalize away the wrong that they do. Don’t buy the lie that they are taking us to a higher, new consciousness to help us grow. Creatures who do what they do in the night, in secret, telling us to forget, doing things against our will, controlling our children, they are NOT the ones to usher us into a higher plane of consciousness. Most of us, religious or not, are already ethically way ahead of them.

Resist. Whatever they want you to do, try not to do it. Reject them. Tell them to go away, that what they are doing is wrong, and what they are saying is a lie. Don’t whisper it. Say it boldly. Jesus told us that if we resist the devil, he will flee from us. Tell them they may NOT take your children. Pray over your children. Get your children baptized in the Christian church.

Get rid of anything in your house that may attract spiritual entities: Ouija Boards, crystals, certain cultic knickknacks from overseas, certain kinds of books or art, dragon symbols, shaman masks, etc.

Join a group where you can tell your story and get emotional and psychological support. When aliens tell you that you were chosen because you are special, understand that you were picked on because for some reason you lacked a defense and were vulnerable and available. You may have been a very young child when they first made their mark on your life. It wasn’t your fault. But once you become aware of what is going on, never cease to resist being their prey.

Interview family members like parents and grandparents to see if they have had similar experiences. The odds are great that they did. Ask God to break the family pattern of being manipulated by outside entities.

Remember, they lie. They lie. They lie. And no ‘empowering,’ attention-getting perk they offer, like the onset of psychic powers or telekinesis, is worth it.


  1. Do you realize that most of your religious beliefs were based on worshipping beings...FLESH and blood beings from other worlds. I suggest that you read some literature other then the bible before you make suggestions about what people do to avoid abductions. Also remember that according to your own beliefs human are the "cattle" of the gods and we were not created for knowledge of the gods. And your god's angles frequently destroyed civilizations he perceived to be to advanced. In my opinion you are on the wrong team. Remember the "evil" or fallen angles are the ones who tried to help by giving us knowledge. Think about it you might change your mind about who you are empowering through your prayers. the real God exists within us all and all you need to do reach that being is self reflection. All those others beings are just like you and me...flesh and blood just older and more advanced both technologically and biologically. And remember Jesus is the result of a visit from one of those other beings.

  2. As for me and my house, we will worship the Lord. God gives more than knowledge, he gives wisdom. Jesus claimed that God is Spirit, not flesh, and that God is good, and that he loves us as a Father loves his beloved children. We are his sheep, because men in 10th century treasured their sheep and cattle and a shepherd had to be nurturing and caring to protect them. That is NOT to say we are to be limited and dumb. History does not witness to that. We are his adopted and beloved children, sitting with him in heavenly places. He can even make the weakest of us strong, and does so every day. No, I am on the right team.

  3. Furthermore, Anonymous, I have read a ton of material besides the Bible. But I do read the Bible and live by it.

  4. surrrrre you do ............ jesus and lucifer have the exact same numerology by the way / accident or more to the storyy ?? :D Fear or Love its awsome we have free will to choose heaven or hell rather than being forced into one or the other !!! ' SATAN AND LUCIFER ARE NOT THE SAME BEING ; growing up in church feeling that everything i enjoyed was wrong or that any sexuel desire was from fallen angels(demons) ?? sorry i like sex and art (Sacred geometry) = did god make me in his image or am i an accident (by satan) becuase technology(ART) is sadly why im even alive right now - really !!! i was living on machines as a baby = fallen angels taught man how to keep me alive is that wrong should i be in the eternal pit ??? HELL > ? / JESUS said many of my people will die in the end times for not seeking truth and knowledge?? . Its seems contemporary christianity needs to look more inside of themselves to see why they feel that way towards others for not having the exact same opinion or belief about the bible/ so many churches and so many false prophets especially within those communities * all of are presidents were freemasons maybe thats were you should start because obviously you dont believe n freedom or liberty :D which bible do u refer too jksmith ?? kjv ? NIV? NIT ? you should seek the true insipred word of god which was given to mosses ==== HEBREW VERSION ' not man made versions that have been changed over time {remember humans used to think the earth was flat and god lived up in a cloud] thats kinda sounds like a ufo story but u know ...... so all the other planets suck angels are evil helping us to keep one another alive and possible extend our lives .... all the judging christians holding a grudge get to go to heaven after putting every1 else down for not accepting death so easily (: sorry i dont agree with that idea of god /; seems very judging and hatefull towards life itself ?? every other religion is wrong but if u have jesus your ok and dont have to help any1 out in this life becuase your already saved right ?? ----- 4 giveness is what he was trying to get across , he knew HUMANS had some issues with that . so why dont we 4give and love rather than feel akward and afraid of each other ??? I LOVE JESUS & what he taught but a lot of people dont understand how different he was than everybody and how RADICAL his ideas were -- which makes a lot of sense today when u see people talk abou the supernatural in church and they think your satanic or crazy ): when really your just trying to understand being thrown towards these huge questions about life and death itself > sorry if this comes off mean it just hurts to see people use FEAR INSTEAD OF LOVE TO BRING PEOPLE CLOSER TO GOD BCUZ WE ARE ALL FALLEN

    1. Anonymous, it's difficult to answer your comment due to its length, but I'll say a few things. Yes, I do live the Bible, and the two great commandments are to love God with our whole heart, soul, and mind and love your neighbor as yourself. That is paramount with God, even more than arguing about religion. You sound like you grew up in a very conservative Calvinist-oriented Baptist church, or Church of God. We don't believe that God predestines us to heaven or hell. We do have free will. I also believe that those of us who do have access to God's will are held to a higher standard by God than those who do not know what God wants of us. I do study the Bible in Hebrew. My PhD is in Hebrew Bible. But our translations, tho not perfect, can lead us to the truth. I use several versions. Sex outside of marriage is wrong. Sex of itself is not wrong. God gave us that commandment about sex to protect us, not to shame and condemn us. You say you love Jesus. He said, "If you love me, keep my commandments." But keep loving him any way you can, and loving your fellow humans. Helping others is a very specific commandment of Jesus. As for Satan or Lucifer, whatever you call him. He is the same person and is the enemy of God and can lead you to eternal damnation. They may give us perks here on earth, but hell will not be fun. Check out some other of my posts, like search for negative nde. I am sorry, Anonymous, that you have been wounded in God's house. May those wounds heal.

    2. Thanx for the respond im a little confused about the morning star then why would it even refer lucifer as the morning star if GOD was trying to let us know he was the bad guy ????
      I dont think god would translate lucifer to satan /; maybe THE satan would make more sense ; remeber lucifer in english is a lot different incorrect title for Satan or the Devil taken from the King James Version of Isaiah 14:12. Were it not for this odd transliteration, "Lucifer" would not exist as a term in English, and there would be no confusion on the matter. As it is, we need to be careful

    3. Lucifer means Light Bearer and is a later term for Satan. In fact, in Hebrew means "Adversary." One would have to do a major study on the Isaiah passage and would have to factor in Canaanite literature referring to legends of Baal to fully understand the passage. Lucifer was in fact a beautiful, powerful angel according to all of the passages referring to him. He left the estate he was in because he was jealous of God and wanted to rule in his own right. When you think of demons and fallen angels, think of the Mafia. Jesus warned us repeatedly about the demonic realm (and so did Paul) in order to warn us of the danger they put us in. He did that because he loves us, not because He is jealous of Lucifer or because he hates to see us enjoy life. He wants us to be safe. Lucifer/satan is portrayed in the early chapters of Genesis and in the later chapters of Revelation. God and Satan and his kingdom are vying for rule over us. The whole Bible is about us and the choices we make and the importance of making the right choice. If you get yourself a good Bible Atlas and a great study Bible with notes and maps, a lot of these difficult passages will be a little clearer. Maybe an Old Testament Survey Book.

    4. Tell you what. Send me your email and we'll continue this discussion there. Mine is

  5. so death is the only way to jesus and eternal bliss ??
    ): - where does it actually say satan is lucifer .. have you checked out the bible codes ?? & do you recommend the torah ?? Mosses was the only 1 that actually spoke to the lord "? Revelation 22:16:“I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star. was he related to the illumanti familys >?? or what was he saying ??venus=lucifer ' I want to believe you their is just a lot that needs to be looked at rather than assumed

  6. Anonymous, I just found the above comment today. Sorry that I didn't answer it sooner.
    First, eternal 'bliss' can begin here on earth. The Kingdom of God begins within us. When heaven is in our hearts, the benefits of eternity start right here on earth, and ripples out from us like when a stone hits a pond. The same goes for the kingdom of hell. We can bring hell to earth by plugging into the wrong energy.
    I have not checked Bible codes. I know a little about them, but don't know what to think about it.
    Moses is not the only one who spoke to the Lord. Many have seen the Lord, both in the Bible and out.
    Jesus was not related to the illuminati. He was related to King David of the Old Testament through Mary.
    There is no way to prove that satan and Lucifer were the same entity. If you google the terms, you may find a good study on it somewhere on the web.
    Do I recommend the Torah? Well, I recommend we study it, not live it. I just finished teaching a class on it. There is much beauty in it. It was the beginning of God's relationship with mankind on a massive scale. But it was the beginning, not the end game. Jesus Chris and his teachings are the end game. Anonymous, read the New Testament and focus on the words of Jesus. Many other dogmatic issues are less important. God bless.


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