A Study on Angels and Demons for UFO Followers: Are aliens angels?
The following is a letter that I wrote to James Moseley, editor of a defunct semi-serious newsletter called Saucer Smear, “Shockingly close to the truth.” Here is what Wikipedia opened with on James’s page: “James Willett Moseley (August 4, 1931—November 16, 2012) was an American observer, author, and commentator on the subject of unidentified flying objects (UFOs). Over his nearly sixty-year career, he exposed UFO hoaxes and engineered hoaxes of his own. He was best known as the publisher of the UFO newsletters Saucer News and its successor Saucer Smear , which became the longest continuously published UFO journal in the world.” I remember this oddball character with some fondness, which is why I have retained this study on angels and demons framed as the letter I wrote to him. There is a tad of editing and a few additions. March 24, 2000 Dear Commandante James, Enclosed is burnt offering of $15. Please sign me up again for your newsletter. We had to reco...