
Showing posts from June 1, 2024

Daniel 7, An Astonishing Prediction of Judgment Day

The Resurrected Human Jewish Messiah, the Son of Man, Comes in the Clouds to Receive His Throne. This will be a shorter post than I’m accustomed to, but it’s vitally important. I’ve been meaning to blog about the Messianic prophecy in Dan. 7 for some time because it is so extraordinary. However, I’ve been reading The Unseen Realm: Recovering the Supernatural Worldview of the Bible , by Dr. Michael Heiser , 2015. Of course, I’ve known about this passage since 1970 or earlier, but Heiser’s approach was so thorough and clear I couldn’t improve on it. His book was based on his Ph.D. dissertation, so it’s quite a tome to wade through—383 pages of the body of the book, then gobs more containing the footnotes and indexes. It’s a lot for even me to wade through, in spite of my own Ph.D. studies in Old Testament. It’s rare to get me excited about someone else’s scriptural exegesis (critical explanation), but Heiser has done that. What I’ll discuss here is in chapter 29. Heiser focuses on Dan.