
Showing posts from September 8, 2011

The Gulf Breeze Sightings, Part 1, "Zeehass, Step Forward."

This post is an update from 2011. Several of my online source links no longer function. In the 1980s, these sightings were oft in the news, dividing the UFO community into pro- or anti-Ed Walters story. The Gulf Breeze Sightings: The Most Astounding Multiple Sightings of UFOs in U.S. History ,  Ed and Frances Walters, William Morrow & Co., 1990. ; ; And several emails between myself and Don Ware, the MUFON State Director for Florida at the time. He and two other Field Investigators researched the Gulf Breeze case as soon as Ed Walters decided to take his story to the public. The first UFO intrusions Walter Andrus, state director of MUFON studied the case for three years. His conclusions were: “The overwhelming evidence is in. Gulf Breeze is indeed one of the most incredible cases in modern UFO history.” I couldn’t agree more. As I re-read the book, viewed the photos, and considered t...