The Strange Death of a Los Alamos National Labs Employee
Source: Tom Horn and Chris Putnam, Exo-Vaticana: Petrus Romanus, Project L.U.C.I.F.E.R. and the Vatican's Astonishing Plan for the Arrival of an Alien Savior , Defender Publishing, Crane, MO: 2013, pp. 445-464 The abduction story in this post is typical in many ways, but unique in one aspect. It concretely brings together a UFO sighting, the alien abduction experience, demonic phenomena, and a top secret US Government facility called Los Alamos National Laboratories. It is also unusual because it began in 1964, a few years before the Barney and Betty Hill saga of abduction. The Horn family troubles seem to have been precipitated by Clarence Horn, an Arizona police officer. While hunting in a remote neck of the woods, he found some strange, perfectly round craters in the ground. Each hole was about 20 feet across and 8 feet deep with smooth, glassy sides, which oddly enabled the holes to hold water. Each hole had a deer in it that had drowned trying to drink the ...