A Beautiful Serendipity for Chinese New Year
This photo was taken June 8, 1972, as children fled the napalming of their village by South Vietnamese forces trying to oust North Vietnamese occupiers. Feb 11, 2021 Something really neat happened two days ago. I was pawing thru a desk drawer looking for some paper clips. I found there an old, yellowed article about an incident dating back to the Vietnam War. Most of us of a certain age recall the iconic photo of Phan Thi Kim Phuc, a nine-year-old female running naked toward a camera. She was screaming in pain from being hit with napalm, a fiery chemical meant to destroy the vegetation that the northern enemy hid beneath. She was 33 at the time of the article. I googled the event. It was November 11, 1996. This news clip has been in this desk drawer for 25 years. I have no memory of saving it, and I haven’t seen it since I put it in the drawer. I don’t even know why it was in this particular drawer, but it was right where I could easily see it. Anyway, she was in Washington DC to...