Remote Viewers Target Jesus
I quit blogging for some time now because I realized that the ideas and info I was sharing in my blog are the same content that I want to write about in a book. However, I just have to express my frustration as I read about the Invisible Helpers who guided Rosalyn McKnight around the cosmos. Robert A. Monroe of the Monroe Institute was her monitor. A remote viewer is not informed about the actual target he or she is supposed to view. The monitor receives an envelope from a client (eg. CIA, DIA, a corporation). The monitor does not open the envelope, but he might say, the target is a person. The idea is to not 'frontload' the viewer with information that may taint the results. After the viewing, the envelope is opened and the viewer gets 'feedback,' an important step in quality development and control. Sometimes the target is Jesus or Jesus Christ. When it is, Jesus is actually out there. The viewer who may or may not be a Christian, will probably not recognize him as Je...