A Final Stand on Dr. John Lerma
Dr. John Lerma is a
topic of ongoing interest. I’ve done 3 blogs concerning him and his two books, Into the Light and Learning from the Light. In reviewing the second book, I only had
time to deal with the first half of it, stopping with Lerma’s anecdote about
the ‘true’ Roswell story.
In that story
(Chapter 5) a dying military man named Col. Marshall Bradfield deliberately
transferred to the hospice in Houston where Lerma worked. Since he was 92 and
dying, he wanted to share with Lerma the real story of what crashed at Roswell,
NM in 1947. He allegedly knew the real story is because he was visiting with
his parents in Roswell when the event occurred. Mac Brazel, on whose ranch the
UFO crashed, came first to the Bradfield residence to lead none other than
Marsh to the site. The military arrived soon after they did, but Marsh had time
to put two pieces of debris together and see a German iron cross.
When he got home
again, he called his commander at Wright-Patterson AFB. He learned that the US
knew about the crash, that a campaign of disinformation was being planned (to
convince the American people that it was a UFO), and that German scientists had
been recruited after the war who were developing a special flying vehicle under
Hitler. They were continuing that research here in the USA.
That story as told
in Learning is an unmitigated pile of
horse feathers. (See my post called “Learning from Learning from the Light.) He either found the story on the
internet, or he was the victim of an agent of disinformation, or he made the
whole thing up.
The next story in
Lerma’s book is just as ridiculous. A 102-year-old Jewish woman named Grace
Livingston arrived in hospice. To help assuage her pain from cancer, angels
took her in OBE state all around the world to see the wonders of the planet. I
actually have no problem with that.
She also began to
see visions of Mary Magdalene, who appeared to her because Grace had known Rosa
Parks and had fought for women’s rights and civil rights throughout her lifetime.
Mary told Grace that there had been a conspiracy against women beginning about
a hundred years after the death of Christ. Her Gospel was rejected by the
Council of Nicea around 320, and Pope Gregory suppressed women even more.
It is a fact that
even in the first century it was a scandal in the eyes of many men that women
were preaching and praying in public, working beside the men, and exercising
prophetic authority. In their worldview, women were the weaker sex and were a
constant temptation to noble men, both with their physical beauty and with
their ability to lure men into illicit religious practices. The church was
struggling to exist in a hostile world and couldn’t afford any kind of scandal.
Decade by decade the women were restricted. They had to cover their heads. They
were discouraged from praying and prophesying. They were eventually forbidden
to teach or lead men, so ordination was also withheld.
However, if the
Gnostic Gospel of Mary, found in The Nag
Hammadi Library in English, HarperSanFrancisco, 1990, was rejected by the
Council, it wasn’t because of any anti-feminist conspiracy. It’s really two
documents, one in which Jesus is still alive, and another in which he had died.
In the first segment, Jesus warns against being led a stray and against adding
rules and laws to what he taught them.
In the second part,
Peter asks Mary, who was loved by the Lord more than other women, to tell the
disciples whatever she might know that they don’t. She answers, “What is hidden
from you, I will proclaim to you.” Doesn’t that sound wise and wonderful, like
a true teacher? So here is the big, secret revelation. In typical Gnostic
fashion, a soul is making its way to its destination in the afterlife. Decide
for yourself if the Church’s rejection of it was legit.
"I said to him, ‘Lord, now does he who sees
the vision see it (through) the soul through the spirit?’ The Savior
answered and said, ‘He does not see through the soul nor the spirit, but the
mind which [is] between the two -- that is [what] sees the vision and it is [ .
. . ] 4 pages missing.
"And desire that, ‘I did not see you
descending, but now I see you ascending. Why do you lie, since you belong to
me?’ The soul answered and said, ‘I saw you. You did not see me nor recognize
me. I served you as a garment, and you did not know me.’ When it had said this,
it went away rejoicing greatly.
"Again it came to the third power, which is
called ignorance. [It (the power)] questioned the soul saying, ‘Where are you
going/ In wickedness are you bound. But you are bound; do not judge!’ And the
soul said, ‘why do you judge me although I have not judged? I was bound though
I have not bound. I was not recognized. But I have recognized that the All is
being dissolved, both the earthly (things) and the heavenly.’
"When the soul had overcome the third power,
it went upwards and saw the fourth power, (which) took seven forms. The first
form is darkness, the second desire, the third ignorance, the fourth is the
excitement of death, the fifth is the kingdom of the flesh, the sixth is the
foolish wisdom of flesh, the seventh is the wrathful wisdom. These are the
seven [powers] of wrath. They ask the soul, ‘Whence do you come, slayer of men,
or where are you going, conqueror of space?’ The soul answered and said, ‘What
binds me has been slain, and what surrounds me has been overcome, and my desire
has been ended, and ignorance has died. In a [world] I was released from a
world [and] in a type from a heavenly type, and (from) the fetter of oblivion
which is transient. From this time on will I attain to the rest of the time, of
the season, of the aeon, in silence.'"
Peter and Andrew are
upset that the above lesson is so strange and that the Lord would tell it to a
woman and not inform them. Mary cries and assures them she would not lie about
it. Levi jumps in and says that if the Lord loved her more than all of them,
they should get over it and get on with preaching the gospel, which they set about
to do.
Mary Magdalene did
not write this gospel and the Councils were absolutely correct to reject it.
Most Gnostic literature is babble similar to the above. And don’t think for a
moment that it empowered women. Gnostic tracts were written by first century
fuddy duddy men with the same worldview as the Apostle Paul. The thing about
Paul is that when he wrote, you could tell what he was saying.
And when Jesus
spoke, you knew exactly what the message was. If he used a parable, he
explained it. The Sermon on the Mount sweeps away religious posturing and gets to
the nitty gritty of where God wants our hearts to be. In Mark 7 he dismisses
the effectiveness of purity rituals and food laws. In John 8 he reveals his
true self to a Gentile female. He never babbles, he never misses the mark or
says something so foolish that we have to be embarrassed about it today.
Furthermore, the ‘Mary’
that allegedly appeared to Grace revealed other aspects of her ‘gospel.’ 1)
Christ is not coming back in the clouds as the Bible says, but manifests in
every heart as we achieve enlightenment. That is the meaning of the Second
Coming. 2) Learn who you are. Joining the lower ego, or sinful self, with the
higher self makes us whole. That is what Jesus meant by "When two or three are
gathered together in my name, I will be in their midst.” (Galatians 1:8). [This
is a Lerma theme, repeated at least 3 times in the two books, and it is a
complete misinterpretation of the passage. So when the same thought is
expressed through a dying person who is quoting an angel, as in the next story,
one really has to wonder what is going on.] 3) The Enoch in Buddhist texts was
really Jesus. 4) The death of Jesus “symbolized the death of the world and the
resurrection symbolized our new body.” Christ’s teaching on ‘enlightenment’ was
more important than eternal life of bliss. 5) Peter represented “the necessary
counterpart (to enlightenment), which was motivated by pride, guilt, and fear.
After all, Peter denied Jesus three times, thus representing most human beings
as well as the Catholic Church.” 6) God preaches within the heart. Those who
follow these inner feelings will be persecuted by evil coming from within the
Church. This was the true, suppressed message of Fatima.
This is such all nonsense
I don’t know where to begin. Does it make sense that the real Mary Magdalene
would come to an old woman and diss the Apostle Peter, the Catholic Church, the
whole church at large, the meaning of the crucifixion, and the Second Coming?
Would she write a confusing ‘gospel’ and promote a message directly opposed to
the whole lesson of the Garden of Eden?
This Mary was a
kissin’ cousin of the ‘Virgin Mary’ that helped send the Gulf Breeze Six on
their amazing journey to Nowhere.
There is a Christ
the Son of God in Lerma’s second book. In the story of Syriana, a dying
Lebanese girl, there is no doubt Who He claims to Be. “Jesus! He said he is
Jesus Christ, who died for our sins. He was crucified and died for us, Dr.
Lerma. Dr. Lerma, when he was washing my feet ever so gently, … I felt his wounds.
… He is standing in front of us all now. He is all white, and the angels and my
family and other prophets are all singing to him. Oh my, he is God! The one
God! I am so sorry God! I am so sorry!”
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