The Hermeneutics of "All Truth."
For many years Christians felt they had to burn blaspheming
heretics at the stake. They all did it, Catholics, Lutherans, Reformed
Protestants, the Puritans… If they couldn’t hang, burn, drown, or bury you alive, they would
shun you.
They also had to mercilessly persecute scientists who
believed that the earth went around the sun. After all Psalm 19:4-6 says that
the heavens
he has set a tent for the sun,
5 which comes out like a bridegroom from his wedding canopy,
and like a strong man runs its course with joy.
6 Its rising is from the end of the heavens,
and its circuit to the end of them;
and nothing is hid from its heat.
5 which comes out like a bridegroom from his wedding canopy,
and like a strong man runs its course with joy.
6 Its rising is from the end of the heavens,
and its circuit to the end of them;
and nothing is hid from its heat.
The sun is compared to a happy,
virile ancient Middle Eastern bridegroom who leaves his tent after his wedding
night, going forth in vigor and strength, joyfully circling the earth (or at
least moving across it from horizon to horizon). The fact that this was poetry
with quaint metaphors didn’t matter. It was holy writ. Today it’s the
Evolutionists vs. the Creationists. Some of my good friends are stunned,
shocked, dismayed, and even offended that I could believe that the earth was
not created in 6 literal 24 hour days. I have been warned that I’m falling away
from Jesus. Scientists are not seen as a gift from God to advance society, but rather an evil anti-God force attempting to destroy the Bible.
Some Christians used to believe that black skin was the “mark
of Cain,” a sign of God’s curse. Some used the Bible to show that slavery was
biblical or that plural marriage is God’s will. As long as the ethics of the
world at large were mired in the same ethical swamps, the Christian church
could follow horrific practices, behaving in ignorant, superstitious, and uncompassionate ways,
and get away with it. The problem is that the concept of inalienable human rights
arose to muck things up, and science leaped from the pages of myth to
technological scientific experiments. Science took us to the moon. Inerrancy took us to the 1930s.
Some churches will not use musical instruments because there
are none mentioned in the New Testament. A truly pious disciple will not make
Eve’s dastardly mistake of adding to the Word of God and since pianos are not mentioned in holy writ, it's a sin to add one. And here is the worst: to
be a good evangelical Christian today, one must believe everything that comes
from Fox News and Rush Limbaugh.
OK, just kidding. However, as the church looks more and more
“Left Behind,” uncompassionate, and irrelevant to the world at large, the leaders
close ranks, refusing to compromise their principals. They say we must agree
with Jesus. And I agree. The question is, what exactly did Jesus say? As a
Christian, I certainly want to agree with Jesus. For instance, I figure that
Christ was extant from the beginning of time. He was there when “all the sons
of God shouted with joy,” so he knows how old the earth is. And therefore he
knows that it isn’t just 6,000 years old. So I am confident that I AM agreeing
with Jesus on that issue.
A more serious point is this. Jesus promised that when he
left, he would send a “paraclete” to walk beside us. That is what the word
means in Greek. He actually said in John 16 that we would be better off for it.
It was necessary for Jesus to leave us so that the “Advocate” could come (and for
what purpose? To finish the work of forming us into proper representatives of
the Father). The Holy Spirit of God, for Whom Christ had so much reverence, will
comfort us, reprove the world of sin, and reveal future truth. John 16:12-15,
“I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. 13 When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you
into all the truth; for he will not speak on his own, but will speak whatever
he hears, and he will declare to you the things that are to come. 14 He will glorify me, because he will take what is mine
and declare it to you. 15 All that the
Father has is mine. For this reason I said that he will take what is mine and
declare it to you.
Jesus perfectly represents the Father and the Holy Spirit perfectly
represents the Son.
The word for Satan in Hebrew means “Adversary,” one who has
no problem wrecking your home, destroying your health, and killing your children,
as poor Job found out. The Holy Spirit, on the other hand, goes throughout the
world bringing comfort, teaching, guidance, and defense against the accusation of
the enemy. The Holy Spirit also comes with gifts of power for the edification
of the Church and its members.
But this presents the Church with a terrifying conundrum.
Could it be possible that when the last verse of the New Testament was written
there was still some truth, some power out there that had not yet been
revealed? New truths, new powers, new experiences are frightening because they
are untested. We who so lack wisdom, can we actually discern whether something
new is taking us closer to the heart of God or luring us away? It’s a
legitimate question and a real fear. It lays a huge responsibility on our
And yet, if “all truth” actually does suggest that there
were truths yet to come, which the early New Testament church was not yet
prepared to understand, how can we be sure that it is the Spirit leading us?
Could it have something to do with releasing women from the curse of
Patriarchy? Could it cause us to get along with each other instead of burying
the heretic alive? Would Luther and Zwingli have to shake hands today and agree
to disagree? Could it mean that the evangelicals should show more respect to
scientists today?
It might mean all or none of those things. However, we
cannot abandon the challenge to listen to the Spirit today. But we must ask
ourselves, what is more precious to us, the doctrine of inerrancy and
literalism or being the loving vessel that Jesus Christ challenged us to be? Is
it really our main task to convict the world of sin or should we rather point
to our Heavenly Father as inviting the sinner to wholeness? How can the Christian
church beg God to help us to be all that we can be if we disallow women to be
what God has called and equipped them to be?
There are no easy answers or solutions to the possibility
that the “things to come” were truths rather than merely events to be survived.
But if the Lord has challenged us in that way, he will not abandon us to our
inherent propensity to be stupid. He will walk us through it. Perhaps we will
dance-walk through it, perhaps we will crawl. But we will get through it.
We have two great sign posts to help us on our way. One is “Love
your neighbor as yourself.” The other is the Golden Rule. I’m not saying that
the Holy Spirit is an old sweetie who does not acknowledge sin. Far from it.
But if we want to represent God, the conviction of sin must begin in the house
of God, and it must be balanced with compassion. All of our piety is smoke and mirrors if we don't fulfill one commandment--Matt. 7:12: "Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets."
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