
Showing posts from 2021

THE BATTLE FOR MUFON, part 6: At Last, Here's What Was Behind the Curtain

      The wreckage from partnering with BAASS A lot of years have glided quietly beneath the bridge since I last blogged about the Battle for MUFON (Mutual UFO Network). In recent years I’ve let my membership lapse, but I still support their cause and wish them well. Every nation needs a well-organized, professionally-run, trustworthy place to report their experiences, know that their information is secure, and feel that investigators care about the experiencers. MUFON was just such a well-run machine, staffed by dedicated and competent volunteers, until about 2009. Then they entered into a partnership with billionaire Robert Bigelow’s research organization called Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS), a subsidiary of Bigelow Aerospace. For buckets of money that MUFON needed badly, Bigelow contracted a partnership with MUFON in 2009, in which the Network pretty much gave BAASS the key to all data collected thus far and access to new cases coming in. That’s ...

A Study on Angels, Demons, and Aliens

I recently read The Andreassen Legacy. It was so stimulating that I am desiring to share some thoughts about it. Raymond Fowler writes that contactee Betty Andreassen Lucas believes that all little gray aliens and the Elders are angels, that The One is God, his ‘son’ is Jesus, and the alien agenda is to save the human race because the planet is dying. Fowler seems to think, if I understand him correctly , that the entities are not angels, but that they are what we have always thought were angels. There never were any angels. He still believes in Jesus somehow, but now he has to weigh new UFO teachings versus traditional Bible doctrines, like reincarnation versus the assurance of heaven and hell that Jesus taught on earth. The abductions, the horrible surgeries, implants, the mutilation of the eyelids of newborn hybrids, the frightening visitations of little grays peering at children through second story windows, the cattle mutilations, the rape of men and women, the theft of fetuses...

The Astonishing Phenomenon of Contemporary Political Prophecy

Nita Johnson, prophetess since 1980 gets her inspiration from Fox News, sees only the surface and not what lies beneath. Sources: Nita Johnson, Prepare for the Winds of Change, World for Jesus Ministries, 1991; The Ever Speaking Voice of God, (Omaha NB: Eagles Nest Publishing, 1997) and various books and pamphlets from the ministry. Who is Nita Johnson? Today, I was rummaging through my book shelves and found a couple of thin paperbacks written by a Pentecostal prophetess named Nita Johnson. Beginning in the 1980’s, she had a very active ministry in which her dreams and visions were laid out in books, pamphlets, and newsletters. She traveled to speaking engagements all around the world and soon developed a website where her prophecies could be read. There were so many, it was overwhelming if you hadn’t been following it from the beginning. For decades, I read just about everything of hers I could get my hands on, trying to figure out if she is a charlatan, the real deal sent by God, ...

Jeremiah 22–31 (NIV) and How It Relates to the U.S. Today

In the 6 th century BCE (before the common era, or BC, before Christ), the Babylonian Empire under Nebuchadnezzar was successfully harrying the Mediterranean world and the Levant (Palestine today).  A way of life in jeopardy As foretold in shadowy simile in the book of Joel, they were as unstoppable as a locust plague and just as destructive. Northern Israel had already gone into Assyrian captivity (721 BCE), even as several prophets of Yahweh had clearly predicted, so they could not be called upon as allies in resistance. The Judahite king Jehoiakim was warned by Jeremiah that if Judah didn’t end their sinful ways and idolatry, they would be next. Kings have always had advisors, and in the ancient world, some of those advisors were prophets, seers, and sorcerers. They would rattle arrows and throw them on the ground, read tea leaves, convey their dreams, read a sheep’s liver, or look for signs in nature. The prophets of Yahweh were not allowed the usual methods of divination. G...

The Ghostly Garage

 As promised in a previous post, here is another snippet from the book I'm writing, a memoir of my life and my investigation into the crash of UAL 610 in 1951. My thesis, the plane was sabotaged.  June, 2012: The Armadillo Garage full of ghosts Around December 14, 2011, I received a surprising email from a woman in Fort Collins, Colorado. It read as follows: “Hi Janet, I know this may be a bit strange getting this crazy email from some random stranger. What I'm about to tell you might seem crazy too. Last night, I took a class in Fort Collins, Colorado for paranormal activity. I thought it would be fun entertainment but never expected to see and hear I did. We visited a garage in old town where apparently the remains of the aircraft were stored while the investigation was being done. This building is quite old and is only used for storage for the restaurant on which the property sits currently. From my understanding there had been two suicides in the building and one fatal...

A Study on Angels and Demons for UFO Followers: Are aliens angels?

The following is a letter that I wrote to James Moseley, editor of a defunct semi-serious newsletter called Saucer Smear, “Shockingly close to the truth.” Here is what Wikipedia opened with on James’s page: “James Willett Moseley (August 4, 1931—November 16, 2012) was an American observer, author, and commentator on the subject of unidentified flying objects (UFOs). Over his nearly sixty-year career, he exposed UFO hoaxes and engineered hoaxes of his own. He was best known as the publisher of the UFO newsletters  Saucer News  and its successor  Saucer Smear , which became the longest continuously published UFO journal in the world.” I remember this oddball character with some fondness, which is why I have retained this study on angels and demons framed as the letter I wrote to him. There is a tad of editing and a few additions. March 24, 2000 Dear Commandante James, Enclosed is burnt offering of $15. Please sign me up again for your newsletter. We had to reco...

New Information on Ted Rice, Part 5/5, The Final Stunning Revelation

Ted Rice's grandmother and father Source:  Masquerade of Angels  by Dr. Karla Turner, Ph.D., 1994  Ted and his friend Stuart Eglington have a podcast called Alien Talk on Scripture quotes are from NKJV. Karla Turner died of cancer on January 9, 1996, at the age of 71. Her iconic and influential books were  Into the Fringe , 1992, her own story;  Masquerade of Angels , 1994, Ted Rice's encounters with aliens; and  Taken: Inside the Alien-Human Abduction Agenda , 1996. Dr. Turner’s famous book,  Masquerade of Angels , the story of Ted’s lifelong encounters with alien intruders, is out of print and is not always available, but you can buy an autographed copy from Ted himself for $75. You can email him at or write him at 2513 Crossford Dr., Foley AL 36535. In Parts 1–3, we see Ted Rice as a gifted child who grew to be a likeable, popular man and an accomplished psychic, but it turned out that his ent...