New Information on Ted Rice, Part 3/5, Pulling Back the Curtain

Ted Rice, aged 10

Quotes are from Masquerade of Angels, by Dr. Karla Turner, Ph.D., 1994. 

Ted Rice is frequently found on podcasts and X spaces. 

Karla Turner’s famous book, Masquerade of Angels, the story of Ted’s lifelong encounters with alien intruders, is out of print but is available online. You can buy an autographed copy from Ted himself for $75. You can email him at or write him at 2513 Crossford Dr., Foley AL 36535.

Scripture passages are from, NKJV.

In Part 2, Ted’s productive life in a spiritualist church in Atlanta was suddenly interrupted by a scary looking night visitor. This entity, which UFO abduction researchers would recognize as a reptilian alien, was ugly, but taught Ted a lot of cool new abilities like how to stick your hand through a solid wall. Volmo was luring Ted deeper into paranormal activity, the stuff of voodoo religion and black magic, but all Ted knew is that this new guide seemed friendly and could take him deeper into the psychic universe that had already captured him since childhood. He was like a child being lured into a stranger’s car by promises of bunnies and candy.

Ted first met Volmo when he awoke one night in a foggy room with a light coming toward his forehead. Ted shared in a text a memory about discovering a witness to this abduction in Atlanta: 

"The Volmo abduction with the lighted wand was witnessed by an on-site police officer. I was doing a live interview with Public Radio years later while in Shreveport. He called in during the show to tell me he witnessed the craft hovering over my apartment that night and saw what looked like a figure being drawn into the craft into a beam of light. He said he was in such shock at what he was seeing that he didn't know what to do so he did nothing. He had moved to Nacogdoches, Texas and was listening to the broadcast. I had been asked to speak on this program after word spread about the neighborhood abduction and Karla Turner's involvement. But the Volmo abduction took place in the Atlanta area."

Ted described Volmo to his New Age colleague Marie Jackson, who was as mystified as Ted. Both were convinced that in spite of occasional frightful events, their New Age "church" was under the guidance of God. Ted’s guides never had anything to say about Volmo, but Marie’s were more forthcoming.

“My guides tell me that Volmo is not of this earth,” she went on. “He’s an interplanetary spirit, but he’s gotten lost in our earth plane and now he can’t escape. That’s why he looks so strange, because he’s never been born in our world. But the guides tell me that you shouldn’t fear him. He’s completely harmless to you. In fact, they say that Volmo is a highly developed spirit in his own plane, and that he’ll be of great help to you,” (148–49).

Stick a pin in this, because we’re going to revisit it: “completely harmless, highly developed spirit in his own plane, of great help to you.” Remember that this came from Marie's guides.

We’re going to briefly fly over some of the more important events in Ted’s life. He began to suffer from anxiety, lack of sleep, depression, and night terrors. He wrote stories in a trance at night about subjects he had no interest in. One such story was a review of the life of Margaret Mitchell and how her classic novel, Gone with the Wind, was compelled and inspired by guiding spirits.

One day in 1981, depression and drinking caused him to walk off his job and drive straight to the doctor’s office. From there he was recommended to check himself into Northside Hospital. After two weeks, he was doing so much better that they sent him home for the weekend to see how he would cope. Where were Volmo and the spirit guides when Ted almost threw himself off his balcony? A stranger on the opposite balcony hollering at him saved his life. So, he spent three more months at Northside, giving psychic readings that helped other patients be able to talk about things they were hiding from the doctors. Ted himself never told the doctors there about his encounters with the new entities that were now haunting him. After 3 months he felt renewed and ready to resume normal life.

As a result of his long rehabilitation, he was laid off his job and was given 3 years of disability payment, which freed him to travel, reconnect, and relax. He did no psychic readings and had no more bad trouble until 1984, when he was 42. A Latino spirit guide named Raphael compelled him to take a job in Albuquerque, New Mexico. There Ted had an encounter that should convince you forever that aliens are not angels.

Ted moved into a mobile home in Albuquerque, and got the job Raphael told him he would get. He saw a UFO there one night. In the autumn of 1985, he had a horrendous night encounter in which he was transported to some barren place that seemed real rather than dreamlike.

"At that point, Ted was looking down on a barren terrain in which everything blended together in a dull yellowish-tan color. The only thing he saw was some sagebrush, nearby was a large compound surrounded by a high wall. Within the wall were a group of people, herded together like cattle in a small corral. Drawing closer, Ted saw a woman and a young boy sitting together in a bucket that reminded him of a ferris wheel seat. They were totally immobile. As he moved even closer, he felt that he could have reached out and touched them. He suddenly wanted to shake them awake, although he didn’t know why. He just felt that they were in danger from something unseen.

He felt the presence of a guide or entity of some sort, but he could not see them. Regardless, he asked, "Why are you doing this to my people? You can't do this. You're treating them just like cattle!"

"'Don't you treat cattle this way?' a voice in his head replied. 'Why can’t we treat humans like this?'

"The next thing Ted remembered was screaming in hysterics and then waking up back in bed. Now, sitting nervously on the patio in the morning sun and trying to make sense of these memories, Ted also felt that he had been to another area within the compound, one that was underground. And whatever he had seen going on with the humans reminded him of cattle, that was clear. For days afterward, he experienced feelings of great anger and fear. He couldn’t sleep well and had to resort again, after several years, to a sedative that would let him rest and keep functioning at work," (186, 87; minor edits are by Ted himself.)

Next, Ted was pushed by the entities to Amarillo, Texas, and ultimately, in 1988, to Shreveport, Louisiana. Besides his regular job as a credit manager, he resumed doing psychic readings. He did these readings at local metaphysical bookstores in Shreveport and Monroe, LA and sometimes in Longview, TX. When he was visiting friends overnight, or when they visited him, odd and terrifying things would happen to the guests. They would see little gray men or would be paralyzed in some sort of energy bubble. Two of those events involved his old friend Marie Jackson. Now recall what Marie’s spirit guides said about Volmo. Once Marie, who now lived in Florida, began to taste for herself the terror of the night visitors, she was probably not so sure it was a great thing to be “chosen.”

Those various mystifying events pushed Ted to seek help, and the result was a call from a Ph.D. researcher, Karla Turner, who lived in Arkansas. At that time, 1992, Karla was publishing a memoir of her own abduction nightmare, which she called Into the Fringe. After listening to Ted’s tales of affliction, she was able to recommend a woman in northern Oklahoma named Barbara Bartholic who was a licensed hypnotherapist.

Barbara was happy to take on Ted’s case. His first important memory of abduction was at the age of 8. Greatly abbreviating the description of what happened when he was taken into a huge alien ship, this young boy found himself outside his body, which had been scanned and placed on a horizontal table. He watched them remove his head from his body, drain all the blood from it, pull his soul into a black box, bring forth a cloned body that looked exactly like him, and put the soul back into the cloned body. With the soul came all of his memories, emotions, and personality. IF what Ted saw was real, and in my opinion that is a big if, his adult body was not the body he was born with!

There are two other children in this scene. They are all guinea pigs in a nightmarish genetic experiment. Two entities argue over him. One was ugly and demonic looking while the other was human looking and much kinder. But behind the friendly demeanor was a monster that used human children in order to play God.

The three children were brought to an auditorium where there was an audience of both people and animals. Under hypnosis, Ted described it like this:

There’s a bunch of people there, and a lot of animals. I don’t know what some of these things are. I see some tall, hairy creatures like a Bigfoot, and some horrible things that look like they’re half-human, half-ant or half-cockroach. Those praying-mantis type things are big and have some almost human features. Strange reddish brown, worm-like creatures, and some furry brown fat ones, even some that look like a mix of human and monkey. And all of them have their eyes on us,” (p. 204).

Barbara asked him if his personality changed at all. His answer:

“I was sick for a long time,” Ted said. “Mother complained because I got some childhood diseases that I had already had before. And she said that for weeks I was in pain. I told her that my insides felt like they were burning up, and she used to soak me in a cool tub. When I was in school after that, I didn’t do very well for a while. I wanted to stay away from the other children,” (p. 207).

As Ted drove back to Shreveport, he pondered the implications of that regression, and he began to be filled with rage. He turned to God and prayer for sanity, guidance, and forgiveness. A few days later, Barbara received a letter from him. Below are a few things he wrote in it:

Through psychic readings, I have led people away from the Christ consciousness into a world of metaphysical beliefs and ufology. I overpowered people mentally and left them wide open to invite this invading nightmare into their lives. And I did it all in the illusion and deception that I was really and truly helping my fellow man grow spiritually wiser through my so-called gift.”

That demonstration of their cloning abilities which I witnessed was a demonstration by the blonde man that he could control life, in the past, present, and future. With this ability, the aliens can now prey upon homo sapiens’ most vulnerable point, our emotions of love for each other. To entice and manipulate us when they come to the earth plane, they can not only offer us everlasting life, but they can bring our departed loved ones back from the grave, through cloning. What greater weapon would they need to bring us to our knees? We would bow to them as gods and worship them. (p. 209).

In the spring 1992, Ted’s friend Marie was regressed. Although her perception of the evening was that she fended off an abduction attempt, she discovered to her horror that she, too, had been taken, experimented on, and possibly cloned.

I’m going to close this post here, but there is more to come. Ted’s last revelation during regression is a real stunner. We’re going to meet Volmo again, or creatures just like him. But before we get into the most shattering and yet healing of all Ted’s recollections, it might be good to take a break and have a good laugh at one of the funniest episodes in the book. That is coming up in Part 4.

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