Predicting the Antichrist 2, Ruth Montgomery


Montgomery, A Gift of Prophecy, NY, Bantam Books, 1965, 6th printing, 1966.
---------, Here and Hereafter, NY, Fawcett Crest, 1969, 6th printing, 1987.
---------, A World Beyond, Greenwich, Conn., 1971.
---------, The World Before, NY, Fawcett Crest, 1976.
---------, Strangers Among Us, NY, Fawcett Crest, 1982, 2nd printing, 1983.
---------, The World to Come, NY, Three Rivers Press, 1999.
Bart Barnes, “Ruth S. Montgomery Dies,” Washington Post, June 19, 2001.

A genuinely illustrious journalistic career

Ruth Montgomery was an ambitious, well-connected journalist in Washington, D.C. before she began writing books. One of her early titles, Hail to the Chiefs: My Life and Times with Six Presidents, 1970, suggests much about her career. In the 1950’s and ‘60’s, she worked with psychic Jeane Dixon, sharing Jeane’s predictions in Ruth’s syndicated columns (see Part 1 of this series). Jeane’s horoscopes and election predictions were undoubtedly a great windfall to Ruth, whose columns were read by millions, and Ruth’s exposure enhanced Jeane’s reputation. Who isn’t curious about the near future or the next big earthquake? Ruth’s Washington Post obituary makes for compelling reading, but there isn’t space or time in this post to list all of her accomplishments and books.

Among several books that Ruth wrote in the 1960’s was A Gift of Prophecy, about Jeane Dixon and her famous prognostications. In that book, Ruth claimed that she herself had no prophetic capabilities. A meeting with psychic Arthur Ford changed all that. She became fascinated with the world of the paranormal, New Age religion, psychic phenomena, and contact with spirits. She produced a series of books by automatic writing, allegedly dictated by a Guide named Lily and Arthur Ford after his death. There were cameo appearances of of spirits called the Group or just the Guides. She was certain that her husband Bob began to drop in after his death in 1993.

Ruth never claimed to have seen any of these entities, but every morning she was at her typewriter with fingers poised to receive messages from beyond.

In Part 1, I tried to show that Jeane Dixon wowed the world, her friends, the military, and a politician or two with predictions of deaths, assassinations, fires, earthquakes, health issues, and future marriages and divorces, but her practice of mixing divination with what she thought was Christian prophecy ran her gift off the road and into the swamp. Her misses were significant and ruined the credibility of her gift. There is a difference between biblical prophecy and divination. In both testaments of the Bible, divination was the work of demons and was forbidden to God’s people. Divination is exciting and exotic until it isn’t, because demons aren’t our friends, and it never ends well. Tragically, Ruth fell into the same trap. Her books are so far afield from accuracy or from any semblance of science that today they are fairly irrelevant.

My goal in this series

For this blog post, I read six of Ruth’s post-Dixon books, all of which were about New Age Religion and the catastrophic Shift of the Earth’s axis by the end of the twentieth century.

My primary goal is a focus on four famous people, Jeane and Ruth, Vance Davis, and an apparition of Mary in Bayside, NY. Four unfortunate people got snared in a web of hearing from deceptive religious spirits about the end times and horrendous disasters that would shortly manifest, including the rise of the biblical Antichrist. The topic of the Antichrist is spirit clickbait, irresistible to seekers of future knowledge, but in the end they get so silly that the alleged prophet is utterly discredited, and the people who supported and promoted them are embarrassed. We have a wonderful opportunity to examine these four prognosticators from decades ago whose predictions are way overdue.

Besides warning people about the dangers of crystal balls, Ouija boards, and automatic writing, I want to dissuade government officials, politicians, and military officers from seeking information from sources that have proven to be manipulative and unreliable. Our national security is at stake here. These contacts begin well, but deteriorate into dangerous misinformation and misdirection.

Another danger, which I’ve written extensively about, is prophecies from so-called Christian prophets who are listening to the same demons but who don’t use crystal balls or seances. Presidents Nixon, Reagan, G.H.W. Bush, Dubya, and Trump all hearkened to psychics and pseudo prophets. Thus far, it hasn’t been disastrous, but it hasn’t been helpful either. The Christian prophets are actually far more dangerous than the New Age psychics. If a bunch of US generals put the same confidence in those prophets that Nixon put in Jeane Dixon, the prophecies could actually instigate a rebellion. But that is fodder for other posts.

As I began to read Ruth’s later books, I was amazed that there was no word of Jeane Dixon. The obituary referenced above informed me that Ruth noted a lot of errors in Jeane’s predictions, some of which were recorded in A Gift of Prophecy. You can read some of them in Part 1. Ruth argued with the publisher, wanting them to delete the blunders, but they refused. It caused a total break between Ruth and Jeane, even after 9 years of collaboration.

The Newsweek article cited above reported that Jeane’s predictions got so inaccurate that Nancy Reagan thought she had lost her powers and hired a different astrologer.

A World Beyond,  1971

This book was written by automatic writing from Jan 4, 1971 to May 7, ’71, allegedly dictated by deceased psychic, Arthur Ford, spirit guide, Lily, and “the Group.” There is no mention of A Gift of Prophecy or Jeane Dixon. The spirits in this book love Richard Nixon and Republican values but don’t mention his resignation or the corruption of his administration. Neither did Dixon.

13 – Arthur tells Jeane that Jesus said the Kingdom of God is within because there is no God on a throne. The “stuffy preaching” is wrong. (You have to wonder if “Arthur” is in a place where there is no throne because it’s elsewhere, at a higher level.)
17 – Ruth’s religious aunt Mabel was disappointed on the other side to not find angels as she expected. (In a later book, the spirits will acknowledge angels and archangels and devils.)
28 – You don’t see God, you feel Him, (which is unlike many modern Near Death Experiences in which people claim to have seen Jesus, angels, the gates of a heavenly city, or a Being of Light.)
31 – Salvation is striving and the hope that one can develop enough to be worthy of joining with God. (Compare that to Ephesians 2:8, “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.”
40 – Hell is when the ghost finds himself in the company of other greedy souls like himself/herself. Not a happy afterlife.
41 – Karma is about us redeeming ourselves. Salvation is hard work and can take hundreds of years. (There’s never a clear picture of a heaven.)
64 – There’s no sign of a devil, just lower vibrations, (contradicted in a later book.)
68 – Dinos vanished because they began to intrude onto the habitat reserved for humans and other animals. (It’s odd that Ruth, the intrepid reporter, did not vet the science in this claim by the Guides. Dinosaurs and humans did not live at the same time, but the spirits know that most of Ruth’s followers won’t know or believe that.)
76 – Babies decide to die, including miscarriages. (Imagine the emotional torture that communication would cause in an expectant mother, or one who had just lost a living infant. Your baby didn’t want you, and in the spirit world, it was mature enough to make that choice.)
74, 84 – There’s no life review, (in contradiction to many NDEs).
103 – Souls on a higher plane are unavailable.
113 – Learn your mantram, learn to meditate, breathe, aum. (This activity opens portals to the entire spirit world. I would rather study the Bible and learn to pray. God hears every prayer, even if you’re not sure he’s there, and Christ offers us “peace that passes understanding.”)
122 – Suffering in life may result from sin in another life. (It’s hard to catch up with it all.)
142 – Finally mention of the New Testament concept of GRACE! “Arthur” describes it correctly, but the concept isn’t revisited again in any of the books because the people where he is didn’t take advantage of grace while on earth.
154 – Atlantis will rise within the next decade, which would be the 1980s. Both Art and Ruth were Atlanteans. Ford was also the father of Mary, Martha, Lazarus, and Ruth, and Montgomery was Ruth. Ford as father of the four died before Jesus preached. (Flattery and ego puffing will get you loyal followers. Yes, demons do that.)
168 – Jordan will be swallowed up by Syria and Israel and will cease to exist as an independent country. (Sorry, Ruth, Satan’s dream has always been that Israel would cease to exist, but it is still there and so is Jordan.)
Before 2000 the axis of the earth will shift, changing weather. (We can see that that didn’t happen, either, since it’s 2023 and the glaciers are melting fast due to global warming.)
There will be great peace shortly after 2000. (Oops, wrong again.)
172 – Jesus didn’t cast demons out of anyone because there aren’t any. What he did was to restore the conscience over the subconscious. (This is a nice New Age concept, but the NT describes clearly that Jesus delivered people from demons, so denying those accounts is exactly what the devil would say to subvert the Bible’s veracity.)

The World Before,  1976

176 - The early chapters are too silly to even repeat. For example, Moses was a Lemurian bringing the Law of One to Israel. Joseph was a Lemurian, too. Angels help us. Job was an Atlantean. (Later chapters will be all about who was an Atlantean and who a Lemurian.)
179 – This book tells us all about angels and archangels, but they still have no wings because everyone over there travels by thought.
181 – Archangel Michael “one of the reigning princes under the Creator. He was also a brother of Christ. Michael was ‘the tone bearer as Lucifer was the light bearer.”
183 – Atlantis sank about 10,000 BC. Chap 13 is all about planetary influences on the deceased and is too silly to repeat. (Visits to other planets would be very much like finding yourself in hell.)
Chap 14 – Predictions. Many are too vague to assess.
254 – The Guides missed why Nixon would not finish his term. There was no word about corruption or the Pentagon Papers scandal. They claimed it would be a health reason. (Were the spirits hoping that the real reason wouldn’t be evident to Ruth’s readers and they could slip past it without a lot of bad publicity for the GOP? Nixon resigned in disgrace.)
257 – Atlantis will arise near Bimini, and Lemuria will arise in the ocean. (Ruth and psychic Edgar Cayce were apparently hearing from the same spirits.)
260 – There will be a big war in the 1980s.
261 – Thinking people are more conservative than liberal. The spirits warn the US to send a man to the White House who will “bounce the loafers and chiselers off the welfare rolls.” (A man like Reagan who talked about the welfare queen? Did Reagan get some of his talking points from Ruth’s books? Did these books frighten people into voting for Republicans?)
264 – The UN will move away from NY. (Didn’t happen.)
265 – An Ethiopian (Abyssinian) man is dangerous. He’s not the Antichrist here, but said he could destabilize Africa.
269 – California will split at the San Andreas fault, “permitting the outer section to go into the sea.” Before that, Vesuvius will erupt around the close of the century. (Vesuvius last erupted in 1944.) Manhattan, Hawaii, and the east coast up to Newfoundland will vanish. So will Japan and some Pacific islands. (Demons love to broadcast apocalyptic disasters because they gain energy through our fear. They may also get a good laugh out of human credulity. Why didn’t Ruth consult a geologist?)
272 – The Antichrist will be born soon, post 1976, in the US. He’ll have dark hair and blue eyes. His influence will begin to be felt around 1995 or 1996 shortly before the Shift. He would be very young then, and Ruth will later call the Guides out on the math.
275 – There’s no real heaven, hell, or purgatory. We create those by our thinking and living. (Do we create karma? Or maybe there is no karma. It’s confusing.)

Strangers Among Us,  1979, 2nd printing ‘83

A Walk-in is claimed to be an old soul who inhabits a body that is willingly given over by a person who either cannot maintain life in it or just wants to give it up and return to the immaterial world. The inhabiting soul skips childhood and infancy.
36 – Ruth has friends who claim to be Walk-ins. They tell Ruth that in the New Age “this warring planet will become unified, with one government, one language, and one currency.” (She is describing the New World Order, the bane of conservative conspiracies, as if it’s a good thing. Who thinks that the NWO would be benevolent rather than a ghastly global tyranny?)
40 – Ruth gets a little doubtful, but the Guides assured her they only tell the truth.
42 – Ouija boards and table tipping, talking to the dead, are fine if used for serious spiritual growth and not as a game. (Fact: nothing good will come from any of those activities. It’s like saying that smoking is fine if you keep it down to a pack a day.)
64, 65 – When the Shift happens, the Earth will tip over and the oceans will slide over the land. So many souls will arrive, a deluge of souls, that will be difficult to assimilate.
68 – The 1960s and 70s were so awful because hordes of Atlanteans reincarnated and are causing trouble.
72 – “In the 1980s will come wars of devastating ferocity.” (They again miss the very real rise of Al Qaida.)
75 – The Shift will occur by the end of the century. The revolutions of the Earth will slow, the Earth will shudder, then it will flip. (The end of life as we know it. Great clickbait.)
191 – Nuclear WW III will be set off around 1986 in Ethiopia. It will spread like wildfire thru Africa, eventually engulfing most of the nations of the Earth in the flames of war.” (In a later book, the Guides explain this error away.)
196 – At the time of preparing the 1976 manuscript, the Guides predicted that President Carter would be followed by another Democrat president who would raise taxes to where the middle class would literally take up arms. When Carter was succeeded by Reagan, the Guides explained that they missed Reagan’s win because they looked too far ahead to the Democrat president who would ruin the economy with welfare spending. They applaud that Reagan cut back big government and cut taxes. These prophecies may have influenced many people to vote for the Republican.)
201 – Ethiopia will kick off the (nuclear) war about 1986.
203 – There would be food riots in cities due to the Shift.
204 – “A storm of unparalleled violence will sweep the Western Hemisphere, ripping out sections of the earth itself, and altering the surface areas of the western United States. Some of California will go into the sea, as we have previously foretold, and damage will be unprecedented in the Western world, for it will not be confined solely to the American West.”
219 – The Antichrist. Ruth is writing in the early ‘80s here due to many reprints of her book, so she challenged the Guides as to why the info about the Antichrist wasn’t correct. He was not born in the Middle East. The Guides blame Ruth for being a bad receiver. She should have caught the math error and corrected the 1976 MS before it went to publication. Ruth bought their explanation! So, the Antichrist was actually born in the eastern seaboard state of (she wouldn’t say) and lived in a suburb of Washington DC in Maryland. He will be popular, garrulous, good looking, ambitious.
221 – By the turn of the century, he will be ready to “assume world management.”
222 – He will have sway for the first two decades of the twenty first century. He will pretend to be pious. “He’ll make trouble for all who speak out against him.” “Realizing how frightened people will be of anything that seems like God’s anger at man, he will seize the cloak of divinity, claiming that he is the anointed son returned to rescue mankind from evil.” (Interesting that she has accurately described Donald Trump.)
247 – After the death of the Antichrist, there will be a New Age, with one world government and one world currency.
251 – Two years after the death of the Antichrist, the child will be born that will receive the Christ spirit. He’ll be a Walk-in, like in the first incarnation.
253 – The new baby Jesus will not the same Jesus soul as before. That tidbit came as confirmation from her Walk-in friend Michael. After the Antichrist, the Shift, and the birth of the Christ child, the millennium will be fine, peaceful, with people caring and looking out for one another. Arms will be almost non-existent. (The first claims are blasphemy, because they deny the divinity of Jesus. The last prediction is laughably inaccurate. There are more arms in America today than people. Mass shootings happen on a regular basis.)

The World to Come,  1999

Bob died 1993 after 52 years of marriage. Ruth died 2 years after publication of The World to Come, in June, 2001, so there was scant time to retract or retool the nonsense in this book.

Her blind Guides still made no mention of Osama bin Laden, Al Qaida, the World Trade Center bombing, the twin towers catastrophe of September, 2001to come, or the Iraq War. The whole book was about the Shift, when the earth tips on its side because of too much ice piling up at the poles. A Walk-in president will move populations around to save some, but there will be chaos afterwards as those who don’t die would vie for food and resources. Then will come the Antichrist, the birthing of the baby Christ, the happy millennium to come where there is peace on earth. The Lemurians were already gathering on earth to help through the process and teach mankind spirituality.
19 – The Shift is going to be delayed. Rather than around 2000, it was to be 2010 or 2015. (That timeframe would make Obama the enlightened Walk-in and Trump the Antichrist.)
20 – The Apostles have reincarnated. (I guess they’re coming back to be here for baby Christ. However, the Bible promises that He would come again as He left, in the air with thousands of angles: Acts 1:9-11; Matt 16:27; 24:31; 25:31; 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17)
34 – Her late husband Bob tells her they need to be ready for “an avalanche of souls” pouring into the afterlife when the Shift happens. (Her books have a lot of repetition.)
43 – Her guides reiterate that a way to prepare is to get involved in what we call New Age religion with eastern practices, like communion with the dead. (As usual, no warning here about opening dangerous portals.) She did not want to write another scary book about the Shift. She had already written about it and her readers were terrified.
46, 47 – The Walk-in is a completely different soul with a different personality, (so the spouse is no longer married to whomever they originally exchanged vows with. Amazing how many famous people were Walk-ins.)
56 – The Walk-in has already come to prominence. They denied that it was Ross Perot.
58 – “As the Shift occurs the vibrations will be speeded up to a much higher frequency. The axis will remain steadfast, but the land and water masses will slip, not sideways, but in a rotating movement that will make the sun appear to stand still to those on Earth as the Shifting occurs.”
64-66 – First they give a very biblical explanation of Satan and the angels, particularly the fallen angels, which is a contraction to what has been written before in A World Beyond (p 17), where there are no angels or devils. (If angels and devils do exist, why not a God on a throne?) Then the Guides affirm that the Christ spirit fell on Jesus at his baptism, but deny his divinity. He was just a highly developed soul who gained favor in past lives. (This is blasphemy. I’m not sure how they would explain his death on the cross.)
67, 68 – Mankind became more spiritual, so the Creator decided that the damage in the Shift would not be so bad. Parts of California will survive, and New York City will survive, western Europe will be “much less battered.” They tell Ruth that her books are helping to save the world.
The horrible war in the late 80s? Oh, sorry that was an error. We mistook all the souls that would die from AIDS.
70, 71 – No more AIDS. The Shift will cleanse the Earth of today’s strife and bias. (Funny they didn’t see the rise of the neo-Nazi movement in 2016-2023. But the Guides would probably attribute that to the rise of the Antichrist.)
74 – Some of the higher areas of Japan will survive, but Central America will suffer due to seas on both sides.
76 – Florida will be small islands, California will lose some of its land, Lemuria will arise, and so will Atlantis.
80 – Jesus did not establish a religion. The Romans did that. (Nope. When Jesus broke the bread with his disciples and condemned many of the rituals of the Mosaic Law, he established a new religion with a new emphasis, and He commanded His disciples to go out two by two and spread the message).
91 – The advanced “space beings” are aware of the Shift. It’s due to ice build-up at the poles and causing an imbalance.
106 – The Antichrist review, in 1993 he was graduated from college for some time. Has his eye on the presidency. By 94 he was in a minor government position. He’s either 35 or close to it at the time of writing.
There are multiple chapters of who was a Bible character in a past life. Too silly to repeat.
150 – After the death of the Antichrist, the Christ will be born in a human body. Lemurians will return to teach us how to be spiritual.
153 – Earth’s golden era.

The ultimate lesson in this book is, spirits are not our friends and listening to them will send you with the lemmings over the cliff. New Age and Gnosticism begin with the Bible, then twist away from it, adding this, omitting that, with the result of discrediting the actual revelation of God. Throwing in predictions of the Antichrist got a lot of attention. In the 70s to the 90s it got to be quite a fad, so the topic will not end with this post.

This story can also be found on Medium, Predicting the Antichrist, Part II, Ruth Montgomery | by Janet Katherine Smith | Oct, 2023 | Medium
