
Showing posts from June, 2023

A New World Pope for a Changing Church

I just finished a short book about the history and philosophy of Pope Francis, and it doesn’t seem so far that he is the dreaded Petrus Romanus predicted by authors Thomas Horn and Cris Putnam (mentioned in previous posts). A New World pope is not quite the same as a New World Order pope. Horn and Putnam have amply demonstrated that there are various groups of transnational elites that would love to see a New World Order be established in which all nations surrender their national sovereignty and submit to the laws and regulations of a master, global government. These cabals have included some celebrated Americans, allegedly including both Presidents Bush. The book by Michel Cool, Francis: A New World Pope , doesn’t sugar coat the challenges and scandals of the previous three decades. They are all mentioned: the pedophilia, the Vatican bank scandal; liberation theology; the mutiny of the bishops; corruption and moral laxity; and the call for a new view of the papacy in which the pope ...

The Strange Death of a Los Alamos National Labs Employee

  Source: Tom Horn and Chris Putnam,  Exo-Vaticana: Petrus Romanus, Project L.U.C.I.F.E.R. and the Vatican's Astonishing Plan for the Arrival of an Alien Savior ,   Defender Publishing, Crane, MO: 2013, pp. 445-464 The abduction story in this post is typical in many ways, but unique in one aspect. It concretely brings together a UFO sighting, the alien abduction experience, demonic phenomena, and a top secret US Government facility called Los Alamos National Laboratories. It is also unusual because it began in 1964, a few years before the Barney and Betty Hill saga of abduction. The Horn family troubles seem to have been precipitated by Clarence Horn, an Arizona police officer. While hunting in a remote neck of the woods, he found some strange, perfectly round craters in the ground. Each hole was about 20 feet across and 8 feet deep with smooth, glassy sides, which oddly enabled the holes to hold water. Each hole had a deer in it that had drowned trying to drink the ...

The Pro-choice vs Pro-life Debate for Christians

  S piritually, I'm pro-life. I know life is precious. Politically, I'm extremely pro-choice. I'll tell you why. Why I'm Prolife It was never my intention to make my next post be about abortion. For one thing, I’ve already blogged about it, and for another it’s a really emotional issue for both sides. Let me say first, I believe that a  fetus is a child  in the sight of God. It’s a child even before conception because God knows the whole future of that life. I am one who knows that experientially because I had a prophetic dream about my second son before he was conceived. In the dream, I welcomed him into the family. I was 42 at the time and gave birth at 43 to a perfectly wonderful child who looked exactly like the infant in my dream. As a Christian, I know that life is precious.  We Christians believe that life is a gift of God, but when you’re 16 and have been raped or seduced by a creep, and your whole life is about to turn upside down, pointing that out is not t...

Aliens, Demons, and Ghosts, What is the Difference?

  Demons Before I can talk about deliverance, I need to discuss the topic of deliverance  from what.  Most people today don’t believe in demons. But demons are not the only immaterial entities creeping around our universe. There are aliens and ghosts as well, and who knows what else. In the New Testament, Jesus made it very clear that demons can invade bodies and can be cast out of them. There is much to learn about demons by reading the New Testament.  The Apostle Paul calls them Powers and Principalities. ( Eph. 6:12 ) They recognized who Jesus was and feared him. ( Matt. 8:28-30 ) They don’t want to be cast out of the body they are in. ( Matt. 8:31-33 ) They can manifest by making us sick or crazy. ( Luke 13:14-16 ) Not just anyone can cast them out. ( Acts 19:13-16 ) They go out in the name of Jesus, often with a manifestation like vomiting. ( Luke 10:17 ) Some are so entrenched that they won’t go out without prayer and fasting. ( Mark 9:29 ) Once they are out, a...

Evangelical and Protestant Exorcism

  If you have a deliverance story that you would like to share, please contact me by email. I would love to hear it. There is a contact link under my profile. Who can cast out demons? In my most recent post, I wrote about the  Catholic approach  to exorcism as described in the book  Hostageto the Devil ,  written by a former priest who is now an author on Catholic clerical topics. This post is taken from a CD set by  Mark Virkler  and from various other sources, including past conversations and books that are referenced in other of my blog posts. The Catholic method is very ritualistic, utilizing a crucifix, candles, a prayer book, and holy water. The priest wears certain garments and has a specialized team, thus only men actually perform the ritual. And it works if done right. The Protestants can be men or women, clergy or lay person. There are no special garments, holy objects, or ritualized prayer (in most cases). The exorcists or delivere...

The Catholic Church and Exorcism

  They don’t take classes in Exorcism 101. How they are picked is more of an art than a science. The exorcist always has an assistant priest available in case he falters in the process. The senior priest teaches the neophyte by way of long descriptions handed down by the Experienced. A process bordering on parascience has emerged that seems to work. A corner of the Catholic church acknowledges that there are devils and that they can possess us. But they can also be evicted. Malachi Martin, author of  Hostage to the Devil ,  brings five real cases into focus, true stories of exorcisms by various priests, supported by diaries, tapes, and meticulous interviews. The stories are too graphic to review in detail, but there are generalities that cross all denominational lines because the devil is not a denominational construct or even merely a Christian invention. In his Introduction, Martin describes the careful preparation for an exorcism, the signs that the problem is demonic ...

The Swamp of UAP Research

David Grusch’s statement is the tip of the iceberg. One of the big news items this month of June 2023, besides the indictment and arraignment of former president Donald Trump, has been the statement by David Grusch, veteran of the Air Force, former member of the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office ( AARO ) and co-leader of UAP task force for the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency. He claims that the U.S. government has closeted away actual downed craft from another world or dimension and that they also maintain the bodies of dead non-human pilots. He said the government has been covering this up for decades. It’s so secret that even Congress isn’t kept informed (but every UFO/UAP believer has known all this since 1947). Some heavy hitters with awesome resumes have confirmed Grusch’s statement. Of course, neither they nor Grusch can produce an ounce of evidence to support the statement, so it was easy for the government to debunk his claim. Statement by Susan Gough, “ To date, AAR...