Charles Shamp Predicted Heavenly New Administration for 2020
The First Church of Fox News
I have been railing at Steve Schultz, the founder of Elijah List, a news group for modern “apostles” and “prophets” to air their revelations, throughout the entire Trump saga. I’m offended that they call Democrats “the enemy,” as if all Democrats are Jezebel, the enemy of God, whereas the prophets are all Elijah, the persecuted and misunderstood, and the Evangelicals are “my people,” and they are all persecuted. There is nothing biblical or Christian in that kind of brainwashing. Their god is as much a Republican as the Virgin Mary is a Catholic. Their god apparently watches Fox News and then sends his angels with messages of Republican talking points and governmental policy. I write all this as a devout Christian, former Charismatic Evangelical.
The Elijah List god never chastises Russia, is not concerned about the need for public assistance, always lifts up Trump as his anointed, “the man in God’s hand who will never be impeached,” although twice impeached, turns a blind eye to all the corruption on the Right, cares nothing for the children separated from their parents at the border, and hasn’t noticed that good government people doing their jobs get fired and replaced with loyalist hacks who will do whatever god’s dictator wanna-be Anointed demands.
Starting with the two earliest prophets, Kim Clement and Mark Taylor, Trump was credited with brilliance, strength, dignity, and uprightness. The blessing he would bring would restore lost wealth to America and Israel, and would grant protection from our national adversaries. Trump will resist their mischief, causing them to tremble in fear. Russia, North Korea, and other dictators will say, Oh, what will we do now that Trump will be in office? He knows all our tricks. Woe is us. Apparently, their god didn’t notice Trump’s longstanding admiration of Vladimir Putin, going back to 1987. Their god looked away from his marriage fails, the bankruptcies, the contractors he failed to pay, his arrogance, his lies, his friendship with Jeffrey Epstein, the women he assaulted, and the taxes he didn’t pay.
Did god not anticipate this plague that has killed over a million of us? The plague actually helped to show us that this sociopathic president cannot feel empathy and has no concern about those who died in 2020 from Covid. Multiple video interviews confirm that all he cared about was his poll count. The Covid plague should have reminded us that when you deal with the devil, he will eventually come to collect.
Trump was never any of the noble things the Trump prophets ascribed to him and never will be. They got that from watching Right Wing media. It gets baked into their psyche, so they think their thoughts are coming from the heavens when it’s really Newsmax, Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, or Rush Limbaugh whispering in their dreams. Their prophecies, except for the unlikely event that he actually would be elected president, were wrong from the start.
I write The E.L. ministry by email, but I never get an answer. To be honest, I have been pretty rude. I can be patient with stupid people, but not when they subvert my nation and consort with Vladimir Putin, all in the name of Jesus. Lying to the Holy Spirit is an offense that can bring earthly death and hell for eternity. It’s serious stuff. It’s additionally alarming that Republican presidents like Reagan, George Bush 1 & 2, and Donald Trump listen to these people, as do millions of Evangelical Christians. Evangelical leaders who should know better are as fanatical as the waitress in Hoboken or Joe trucker in Houston.
So here is one of their esteemed prophets with a vision seen shortly before the 2020 election. My question is, who did Charlie Shamp think was going to be elected? Does he think he is describing the Trump administration below? Since Joe Biden got elected president, it’s clear that if what is written below is genuinely from God, President Biden is going to bring relief, prosperity, and integrity in government to America.
God doesn't like corruption and bribes
I have shortened the words to save space and time. My comments are in parentheses. This prophecy was received on Nov 2, 2020 but published on the Elijah List on December 15.
Charlie Shamp, Nashville, TN
“I heard the Lord say, ‘Do you see these men? They are the lobbyists and special interest groups that have manipulated millions of Americans through demonic legislation. They have used their power to control the government of this country. They have twisted the laws of America to bring profit to themselves. These corrupted men have weakened the hands of the people and troubled them in building their own kingdoms. I will expose these manipulators and restore for America the fortune and wealth that has been lost.’
“I then saw every door in the hallway slam shut and a supernatural wind blew through. The wind was so strong that it blew these men out from the places where they stood. The hallway was cleared by this supernatural wind and I again heard the Lord say, ‘What you have seen is the extortion of the poor, the perversion of justice, and the wickedness that has been in this government for generations; but do not be astonished by the matter, for the high officials of this land are watched by the Most High.’
“You have heard it said, ‘A just king gives stability to his nation, but one who demands bribes destroys it.’ For decades bribes have blinded the clear-sighted and subverted the cause of those who are in the right.” (Is a quid pro quo, like the one Trump tried to lay on Ukraine, a bribe?)
OK, fine. But you don’t have to be a prophet seeing visions or dreaming dreams to know that DC is full of corruption and lobbyists. The revolving door between government and corporate jobs has been noted and decried for years. The old term for corruption was pork. Today’s buzzword is grift. My news sources, MSNBC and CNN, have been exposing these grifters for the past five years. My sources use court documents, videos, interviews, public records, analysis by professional experts, or leaks by whistleblowers rather than visions. God continues:
“Those wicked ones have accepted the bribes in secret to pervert the ways of justice. Many in this government are rebels and companions of thieves. They love bribes and run after gifts. They do not bring justice to the fatherless and the widow's cause does not come to them.”
Democrats have been screaming about this 24/7 for four years. Republican response has been “meh, nothing to see here.” Suddenly “god” appears to care about such things. God tells Shamp that a cleansing wind will clear the hallway. God hates those who take bribes, and he will bring judgment to many of them. God will help America. He will reward the righteous. Perhaps the real God is breaking through here and is talking about the Biden administration.
“I have raised up judges who will deliver you from the hands of those who plundered the nation.”
Could these be the judges that saved the US by refusing to hear almost seventy court cases challenging the election? According to my news sources, in the months before the election, Republicans and their donors began planning how to challenge the election in case Trump lost. Trump started priming the public months ahead of November that mail-in voting would be corrupt. He fired the Postmaster General and put Louis DeJoy in to slow down mail-balloting to the point that the election would almost certainly be affected. Several judges put a stop to that. Had Trump won the election, there is no way anyone should attribute the victory to God, but the Evangelicals would have done so.
“Again I say to you, those that have taken bribes will be exposed and brought to justice for all to see.…for new laws will go forth and I will set My justice for a light in this nation.”
So Republicans, don’t be surprised when some of your folk wind up in prison. One of them might be Donald Trump or his kids.
“I say to those that stand in power: walk righteously and speak with sincerity; reject unjust gain. God will reward the righteous.”
This is something you can learn in Sunday School. It’s a warning to mega-church pastors as well as to government officials. Champ says that we’ll have pure bread and water and God’s word will be pure if we’re good. You can read the whole prophecy here.
“I have planted the destiny of America in the heavens and I will use you to speak and reestablish the foundation in the earth.”
What will the Elijah List, which is now hosting Marjorie Taylor Green and Roger Stone, have to say to America Democrat President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris fulfill this word? The Republican Senators may have to learn how to pronounce her name correctly and to some respect to First Lady Dr. Jill Biden. Don’t be impressed by the lyrical sound of the prophetic words. It’s easy to replicate that. Trumpianity is not Christianity. Being an apostle of the First Church of Fox News does not a heavenly throne win.
I am NOT against prophecy. I’ve had my own prescient dreams and revelations, several about presidents, but these so-called prophets don’t impress me. Let them retool by changing the channel or turning off the TV. Impress me, and maybe someday I’ll say something nice about you. Looking at the drivel that Shamp and others have been prophesying last year and 2023, all I can say is that their predictions and pronouncements are unmitigated BS.
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