Was Yahweh a Reptilian Alien? (Short answer, NO)


It embarrasses me to even deal with this ridiculous topic, but if one googles that question, all sorts of websites appear dealing with the subject, many of which declare that Yaweh is an alien. Such horsefeathers! And these very pseudo-scholars would denigrate the fundamentalist Christians and Jews for taking the Bible stories too literally.

At least the conservative Christians and Jews are taking this magnificent piece of ancient literature as it has been written. The UFO community is grabbing the flotsam and jetsam of many ancient legends, cherry picking what seems interesting, and sewing it all together into a frankensteinish patchwork that makes for great midnight blog reading.

I will agree with them on one point. The ancient world worshiped the serpent as a deity. There are pre-Sumer replicas of strange, human-like bodies with reptilian heads. One female is holding a baby that could well represent the tales of hybrids today. Furthermore Genesis 6 does talk about the bene elohimthe ‘sons’ of the gods, who left their own dimension to mingle with ours. They are also called the Nephilim, the ‘Fallen Ones,’ who were attracted to the daughters of Adam, cohabited with them, taking whomever they chose (as in rape), and created hybrid children that walked the earth. It was a time of great advances in agriculture, architecture, and magic arts. The hybrid children were ‘men of renown.’

That description sounds oh so much like stories of Reptilian abductions of today. Serpent worship was ubiquitous in the ancient world. They were everywhere, including the cobra on the crown of the Egyptian Pharaoh. Serpents represented healing, protection, and wisdom. How could a creature that is so disgusting and predatory gain such renown in so many cultures if it were not for the fact that malevolent but powerful spirits often manifested in reptilian form?

The story of Adam and Eve in the Garden needs to be read in the context of ancient times when it was written down. It’s a Hebrew story with a Hebrew moral, so superglueing it to other legends from other cultures will only produce a casserole of nonsense. But the Bible story is full of icons of the culture that any Hebrew of the day would immediately recognize. Gardens, sacred trees, serpents, and a man and a woman interacting with those sysmbols were common in ancient illustrations of the day. For instance, from Sumer one might see a man and woman seated facing one another with a tree in the middle and serpents nearby. Or in Egypt one might see a tree that is half goddess that is nurturing a seated man and woman. In Canaan, one might see a goddess standing on a lion holding serpents in both hands. Fierce gods of war and virility would be in the illustration.

The point of the Adam and Eve story is that the serpent offers a quick fix for what we think we need…it looked good, it would make one wise, and the serpent challenged the word that God gave to Adam that eating it would produce death. Eating the fruit in fact gave one the enhanced cognition whereby mankind could understand the difference between good and evil. The serpent had that right. It indicated that the couple would not die, but would be like a god. In that he told the truth in the sense that the enhanced brain power produced would enable the advanced humans to become masters of all they beheld. Another step would be to find eternal life, but mankind was in no way ready for that yet.

So either the fruit had some serious magic qualities, or it was a symbol, not of a fall, but of a growth in which mankind has the ability to knowingly choose evil and must begin to pay the consequences of his or her actions. You don’t spank a two-year-old. You don’t punish someone with an IQ of 70 as you would someone of average ability. But an older child who knows what he is doing when he rebels is liable to severe punishment for crimes committed.

God certainly did not create man and woman to run around naked, isolated, celibate, unaware of the universe around them, unable to function at a higher cognitive capacity forever. The whole Garden motif was a parable. Yahweh did not need a crop or harvest or food. The Garden, like the Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Garden. God made it clear through his prophets that he was a spiritual being, energy and light, and needed neither sleep nor food. But apparently the Reptilians were already here when mankind made that leap, and the Hebrew author was warning his people that the root of all pagan religions other than Yahwistic faith was embued with the serpent power and presence. That power was seductive and poisonous.

Part of the thrust of the story of Adam and Eve is to remind the ancient world that God had the power to curse the serpent. The only way the serpent could strike at God was to deceive his creation. The irony of the portrait of the serpent’s fate is that it now crawls lower than all the other animals. The creature that used words to tempt mankind to eat forbidden fruit will now eat dust, which was another icon in the ancient world of the food of hell. Wicked ancient kings had dust for dinner. The serpent whose words were so slick will now be silent. A snake cannot even squeak let alone bark. It’s irony. It’s symbolic, carefully crafted piece of literature. It has a specific theological point.

The Yahwistic faith looked on the outside very much like all the religions around. There were priests, tri-partite temples, animal sacrifices, harvest celebrations, etc. However, the religions of the day also had aspects that were absolutely forbidden to the people of Yahweh… like child sacrifice, temple prostitution, black magic rituals, idol worship, animistic divination, ancestor worship, calling up the dead for power and protection, drinking blood, etc. Avoiding certain foods won't open a portal from another dimension, but those practices that were strictly taboo could open portals for aliens, ghosts, demons, whatever you want to call them. They invite malicious spirits whose only desire is to exploit, enslave, deceive, and ultimate destroy mankind.

The whole point of the Genesis story and the rest of the Hebrew Bible is to demonstrate that Yahweh is not…is NOT…one of them. Yahweh forbad those practices to close those portals, to protect his people from the predations of the Serpent-Reptilian deception. If you want to know more about this theme, order my book, Dust or Dew: Immortality in the Ancient Near East and in Psalm 49, from Wipf and Stock. The way of the Serpent was the way of death. The way of Yahweh was the way of life.

But one has to understand that these two powers were warring over the souls of a very primitive and superstitious people. Life was frightening and dangerous. People realized that help could be gotten from higher, inter-dimensional sources, but that those sources themselves could be dangerous. Perhaps the whole idea of animal sacrifice came from ancient cattle mutilations. The practice did not begin with Moses. Sheep and cattle were sacrificed long before Abraham was born, let alone Moses. The ancient world thought that the smoke of an animal sacrifice somehow appeased dangerous and capricious deities, and some of that attitude bleeds into the oldest texts of the Hebrew Scriptures. Later revelations, like Psalm 51, indicated clearly that Yahweh never was really interested in cattle or animal sacrifices. He wanted purity of heart, faith, social justice. 

Jesus declared in Mark 7 that God never did give a diddlysquat what people ate because food just goes into the gut and comes out the other end. It’s what comes out of the heart that matters. That was always the case, but it was too great a leap for ancient tribes. Jesus swept away the superstition and brought forth the real goal of God’s commandments. Notice that Jesus always spoke of the heavenly Father. He did not call God Yahweh. Perhaps that was because the ancient religion was too encumbered with the needs and suppositions of human leaders.

Wild speculation as to whether Eve had sex with the serpent is a waste of print. If that were the point, it would have been hinted at in the story. The Hebrew author was quite an inspired genius and knew exactly what he was writing and why. He wrote what got his point across and left out what was irrelevant. Eating the fruit of out-of-control imagination does not make one wise or god-like. It makes us look like idiots. It also gives another round of victory to the Reptilian presence of then and now. One thing the Reptilians do not like is the real God and the real Son of God and the real Word of God.
