New Information on Ted Rice, Part 5, The Final Stunning Revelation


Image: Ted Rice's grandmother and father

Source: Masquerade of Angels by Dr. Karla Turner, Ph.D., 1994 

Ted and his Irish friend Stuart Eglington have a podcast called Alien Talk on Spotify. You can listen here.

Scripture quotes are from NKJV.

Dr. Karla Turner died of cancer on January 9, 1996, at the age of 49. Her iconic and influential books were Into the Fringe, 1992, her own story; Masquerade of Angels, 1994, Ted Rice's encounters with aliens; and Taken: Inside the Alien-Human Abduction Agenda, 1994.

Masquerade of Angels, the story of Ted’s lifelong encounters with alien intruders, is out of print and is not always available, but you can buy an autographed copy from Ted himself for $75. You can email him at or write him at 2513 Crossford Dr., Foley AL 36535.

In Parts 1–3, we see Ted Rice as a gifted child who grew to be a likeable, popular man and an accomplished psychic, but it turned out that his entire life was “designed” and manipulated by unseen spirits who knew how to compel him to move wherever they wanted him to, to get particular jobs, or meet certain people. One of their strongest constraints is that he should never discontinue his psychic readings. Through hypnotic regression at the hand of UFO researcher Barbara Bartholic, he discovered that the spirit guides that were supposed to be helping him were ugly, foul-smelling reptilian aliens and weird little grays, some in robes and hoods. They think of humans the way we think of animals. They use us for experimentation, and what’s especially gruesome, our children are not safe from their machinations. Under hypnosis, Ted revealed that they use humans for breeding and for food. Whether those claims are real or are illusions created by the captors is impossible to say. To the victims, what they recall is very real and the trauma from what they see is the same either way.

In 1992, Barbara gave Ted another regression to pull back one of the last memory curtains that covered one of his early experiences. What he recalled without regression is that when he was 10, his grandmother came to visit them and share his bed. One night, he awoke and found himself out of body at the end of the bed. He saw both bodies in the bed, but he heard an angry man’s voice in the room and heard his grandmother arguing with it. When he asked her about it in the morning, she hugged him and said, “That was the Devil, child. That was the Devil, but don’t you worry about it none. Your grandma took care of him, so don’t think about it anymore.”

But his grandy’s bags were packed, and she wanted to go home that day. Ted’s parents talked her out of it, but she insisted that the next morning they take her home. Once they all arrived at her place, she walked into the house and collapsed from a stroke and died. Ever since that day, Ted felt guilt that he had somehow caused her death.

During regression, Ted saw the whole ugly scenario. He and his grandy were taken aboard a ship where grays and aliens battled with the grandma over Teddy’s soul. One of the reptilians wanted to have intercourse with her, but she refused. They offered her youth and beauty, they said they would give her special information about useful herbs and plants to help people, and when that didn’t tempt her for a second, they offered to bring in her deceased husband back to life, young and strong and willing to make love to her.

She rebuffed every offer, telling them that her husband was dead and that anyone looking like him was not her husband. Even when she saw their facsimile, she refused to cooperate, claiming over and over that her husband was dead. They brought Teddy forward and said that he belonged to them and they would take his soul. They told her that if she didn’t cooperate, she would die. She called on the name of Jesus several times, but when it looked like all of their appeals had failed, they put a drop of something on her tongue, which Ted later thought might be an aphrodisiac, and just overpowered her. It appeared that her husband was there making love to her, but when it was over, it was a reptilian alien. Several raped her after that, and then raped Ted.

In the end, the grandma won because Ted has refused to cooperate further with their agenda in his life. When he fully realized what had really occurred, he vowed to find revenge by telling his story and getting the truth out. And in fact, if you are a New Ager, a psychic who relies on spirit guides, or a UFO enthusiast who thinks that aliens are God’s angels, Ted’s story is one of the most clarifying pieces of literature on the topic that I’ve read. The truth with full exposure is the aliens’ worst enemy. Love and goodness are the other weapons they fear.

(Update, 5-15-2023:  I have developed a friendship with Ted, so he shared a few extra tidbits that you won't find elsewhere. I asked him if there were members of his family tree who were Freemasons, because, although I'm not a professional researcher or expert, I've developed a sense that there is a connection between the super-secret brotherhoods and UFO abductions and activity. He said his father was a Mason. He also admitted that his grandfather, the man married to the woman in this story, was physically abusive, not a nice guy. She was a fundamentalist Christian, probably advised by counselors to stay with her husband. He died before she did. In the story, she wasn't fooled by the imitation of her husband, but the cruelty of using the image of one who abused her in life as they attack her and Ted is unfathomable.)

I’m going to paste in a paragraph from Part 3 here. Remember what Marie Jackson’s spirit guides told her about the ugly reptilian Volmo who taught Ted to put his hand through a wall?

“My guides tell me that Volmo is not of this earth,” she went on. “He’s an interplanetary spirit, but he’s gotten lost in our earth plane and now he can’t escape. That’s why he looks so strange, because he’s never been born in our world. But the guides tell me that you shouldn’t fear him. He’s completely harmless to you. In fact, they say that Volmo is a highly developed spirit in his own plane, and that he’ll be of great help to you,” (148–49).

The message that Dr. Turner, Barbara, and Ted want you to understand is that aliens are not angels. They set their prey up to do things that appear to help people because they know their victims are basically good people and will not be tempted to deliberately do harm. The victims are using spiritual tools that they think they understand, but really don’t. They are opening channels for malevolent entities to deceive and manipulate them, including actually possessing their bodies for a time and influencing what they think and do. The entites want the consent of the victim, and for some people, that requires deceiving them into thinking that they are doing something special and good. In fact, the abductors make it seem irresponsible not to fulfill the tasks and charges given to them.

Ted quit doing readings after his regressions with Barbara because that activity invited intrusions. He told a few confidants that he dropped out of public access because he had two fears. One was that contact with people would cause the entities to begin to oppress them like they did his friends when they came to visit him. The other is that he believes, as many others in the UFO community do, that the government knows more about the abduction agenda than they will ever tell, and they don’t want others telling it, either. He lives with this fear. Also, he doesn’t have a great respect for journalists or bloggers because he doesn’t trust them to treat him and his story fairly. He told Bonnie, the woman who first contacted me about Ted, that he has put his beliefs and predictions down on paper and will have friends publish it after his death. (Update, he is 81 at this time, 2023)

Ted discourages friends who have psychic abilities from pursuing psychic readings. In the New Testament, the Apostle Paul spoke of spiritual gifts that function in a manner similar to how a psychic might use their gift, but those “gifts of the Spirit” need to be used with careful constraints and submission to biblical authority. On the other hand, there is a story in the New Testament in which a psychic slave girl follows Paul and his missionary friend throughout the city, yelling, "These men are servants of the Most High God, who proclaim the way of salvation." The woman knew this by a "spirit of divination." After a few days of that, Paul turned and cast the spirit out of her in the name of Jesus. Her handlers were enraged because they used her ability for their own gain, so they dragged Paul and Silas before the city magistrates, who had them beaten and thrown in prison. (Acts 16:16-24).

It’s important to understand that these entities cannot just hide behind a bush and mug anyone they want to. There has to be a circumstance that opens the human to alien/demonic/spirit intrusion. It’s often something innocent, like children playing with a Ouija board, or a husband making oaths of fealty to a secret organization like the Freemasons. Sometimes a spirit can attach to an object or a person and transfer from that person to another. An example is my blogpost on “Paranormal Black Blob vs Christian Worship.” My friend Linette's daughter came to visit her after playing with a Ouija elsewhere. The daughter left her jacket at her mom’s, and from that time, Linette began to notice a small black blob floating through the house at night. Since Linette tends to dance around the house at night in the dark, she thought it was her little black dog, but one night after worshiping God for a while, she let the blob out of the house just as she would her dog. She turned around, and there were her dog and cat both staring at her. She thought with alarm, "What did I just let out?" She never saw it again. The paranormal black blob took Linette’s worship session as an invitation to leave. You can find that story here

Ted's crazy, inter-dimensional story may seem like it applies to such a small segment of the population that it’s not worth worrying about, but the people that it does apply to suffer profoundly. Just because some disease is rare doesn’t mean we shouldn’t seek to treat it. Furthermore, you have to know that if any of the above is true, and you were an alien, you would make any military person or installation your highest priority. Don’t think for a moment that there aren’t government people either cooperating with these creatures or who are profoundly worried about what they know. So, understanding this phenomenon is a matter of national security.

What would I advise anyone who suspects they are being haunted by aliens, demons, or spirits? First, I would say accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior and pray to Him often. Read the New Testament and find someone to help you understand it. Join a church (but not one that preaches politics!). Memorize Psalm 91. Turn away from occult spiritual activities! Get rid of your dragon pendant, chuck the little Buddha statue, burn the Tarot cards, obey the commandments in the New Testament, and turn away from all evil. The spirits will hate that. If you can’t be religious, be good. The Devil doesn’t want you to be too good. He really wants to destroy your body and take your soul. That sounds trite in our secular age, but folks, that is a fact. He wants to use you to fulfill his agenda, then destroy your body and absorb your soul.

I want to thank Bonnie, a friend of Ted Rice and the source of the new material on him. She was the inspiration for this 5 Part blog series. 

Don't miss Part 6, "Ted Rice's Miracle." You'll find it here.

A word about Barbara Bartholic:

Barbara Bartholic sounds like an accomplished and truly admirable person. She was a blessing to so many like Ted. I admire her courage and capacity to pull back the curtain on the real alien agenda. She and her husband were in a terrible car accident in November, 2009. Her husband was in a coma until he passed. Barbara survived, but died of a stroke on November 10, 2010, which may have been connected to her recovery from the accident. Her book is called Barbara: The Story of a UFO Investigator, as told to Peggy Fielding, Jan 1, 2004. You can read a tribute to her life here
