
Showing posts from July, 2024

Alien Activity and the Hitchhiker Effect

Astrophysicist Travis Taylor A Utah ranch. Scientific measurements. Paranormal activity. And the hitchhiker effect. “There are days,” said Travis, “When we all feel packing up and getting out of here.” The Skinwalker Ranch Investigations In June, 2022, UFO journalist George Knapp, author of The Hunt for the Skinwalker , interviewed astrophysicist Travis Taylor, participant in the TV series “The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch,” which just ended Season 5. The show ran in tandem with “Beyond Skinwalker Ranch,” in which two investigators, one a journalist and the other a former CIA employee, search out the connection between hauntings and alien lore on other western ranches. I was taken by a comment of Taylor while the two newish sleuths were describing the weirdness and possible danger of their findings. “There are days,” said Travis, “When we all feel like packing up and getting out of here.” Travis was reflecting on the harm that the haunting entities have the capacity, and often willin

Ambition: A Midrash about God's Upside Down World

Why does the Holy Spirit call this person or that to a particular ministry and empower them with spiritual gifts?    A midrash is an ancient Jewish term for a fictional/historical/interpretive literary expansion of an Old Testament passage. They don’t add or take away from the actual Scripture, but they pad around it with “imaginative liberties,” stories that bring it home and make it real, like learning about the War of Independence through a romantic novel. The OT is full of reversals that are counter-intuitive to us. For example, 1 Samuel 2:5 is a liturgical song by Hannah, the mother of the prophet Samuel: “Those who were full hire themselves out for food, but those who were hungry are hungry no more. She who was barren has borne seven children, but she who has had many sons pines away.” It’s about attitude. Having 7 kids doesn’t mean you’ll automatically pine away. Having 7 kids and tormenting your husband’s other wife who cannot bear children could get you a big karma bit