Alien Activity and the Hitchhiker Effect

Astrophysicist Travis Taylor

A Utah ranch. Scientific measurements. Paranormal activity. And the hitchhiker effect. “There are days,” said Travis, “When we all feel packing up and getting out of here.”

The Skinwalker Ranch Investigations

In June, 2022, UFO journalist George Knapp, author of The Hunt for the Skinwalker, interviewed astrophysicist Travis Taylor, participant in the TV series “The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch,” which just ended Season 5. The show ran in tandem with “Beyond Skinwalker Ranch,” in which two investigators, one a journalist and the other a former CIA employee, search out the connection between hauntings and alien lore on other western ranches. I was taken by a comment of Taylor while the two newish sleuths were describing the weirdness and possible danger of their findings. “There are days,” said Travis, “When we all feel like packing up and getting out of here.” Travis was reflecting on the harm that the haunting entities have the capacity, and often willingness, to inflict on meddlers.

During the half hour interview, Travis discusses the many frustrating paranormal events that thwart the investigative experiments performed by the ranch staff. Billionaire Brandon Fugal owns the ranch and hired knowledgeable and committed participants, capable of running the ranch or expert in electronic arcana, to continue the investigations that were halted when Robert Bigelow sold the property. The main difference between Bigelow’s program called NIDS, National Institute for Discovery Science, is that Bigelow classified much of what his team discovered or experienced and Fugal puts everything on film. Or almost everything.

One phenomenon that may not intrigue the lay viewer is the GPS spoofing. Granted, it’s not as creepy as seeing a pale face peering from a second floor window where there is no second floor, but GPS data points, produced by professional third-party experts, that should lay along the ground, are shown to be in the air or underground. According to the experts, “That’s impossible.” Signals are either spoofed or jammed. But don’t chuckle at this cute trick perpetrated by the amused ranch entities. As Travis points out, airplanes could crash, vehicles or ships that follow GPS could be misdirected. If humans had that capability, it would be an immense security issue.

"Do you think the interference is intelligent?" asks Knapp. Taylor: “If it’s not intelligent, it’s serendipiditously random, because it’ll befuddle what your plans are.” On one occasion, cameras kept working when Travis stepped in front of them, but for 40 seconds the video was black and there was no sound. So, no record of what was done there. Compasses go crazy and spin or hit wrong direction. Cows go crazy. Fully charged batteries often suddenly die.

All manner of mechanical machines fail…$50,000 drones drop out of the sky or go rogue, cars turn on or off, expensive cameras, drills, telescopes, and rockets malfunction. But it’s not totally random. It’s as if the ranch is responding to their plans to elicit a response. (In a season 5 show, it was raining drones. Some were demolished. Staff had to duck to not be hit.)

Paranormal Normal

The team measured gamma rays and microwave rays. Sometimes these readings were in the unhealthy range, requiring evacuation of the researchers, and sometimes the readings were outside the realm of our understanding of physics. Travis got a medically verified radiation burn that caused dark urine, temporary hair loss, burn marks on the skin, and other personal long term health problems. He will now be looking over his shoulder for cancer. Several crew members were standing around with radiation dosimeter badges. Travis’s went off, but no one else’s did, and no one else was harmed. The next day a Navy group came out and checked the whole ranch and found nothing. Travis just shakes his head. He says he’s fine now, but adds, “Radiation doesn’t work that way.”

The entities seem to have a mind to gnaw at the edges of the team’s physical wellbeing, but doesn’t have the will or authority to take a bite that would end the research for good. The team, in my opinion, is being tolerated for some reason, but barely.

I watched the show in which a Jewish rabbi opened a portal with a ritual prayer at Homestead 2, a paranormal hotspot. The team measured a thermal response as he prayed. When they played the recording back, it happened again. In the interview but not on the show, Travis relates that the rabbi told him off-camera that “they” would visit him that night. “Who are they?” he queried. “Whoever it is that’s here.”

Travis didn’t take the prediction too seriously, but that night, he had a “waking dream.” He has a trailer on the ranch which he keeps locked at night. He “dreamed” that an old Native American opened the trailer door and the door of his bedroom, came up to him, shook his head, and poked Travis on his cheek. The entity shook his head again and left. The next morning, Travis had a sore with blood on his cheek exactly where he was poked. The wound persisted for several days. (I personally believe that the wound and the twice shaking of the head was a warning, a sign of disapproval of what went on that day. Be careful what you ask for when you conjure creatures that come through interdimensional portals.)

One day when Travis was backing out of his driveway his car quit. He got out, looked around, saw a strange looking vortex in the clouds. Got back in his car and it started right up.

Hitchhiker effect

The poltergeist activity that the research team experienced during filming on the ranch continued in their homes. It also followed associates who provided technology and guests who shared local stories. That’s why it’s called the hitchhiker effect. According to the Travis interview, the effects can linger for a long time. Travis attempted to explain it all scientifically, but I think when they do that, they’re missing the point. He said it may be like a quantum entanglement that attaches to the people involved with the show. Since he said that scientists are studying it, and those scientists are probably a lot smarter than I am, I want to be cautious how I express myself here.

Sentient, disembodied spirits can attach to people or things. They can follow people home who willingly or inadvertently brush against some spirit activity. I have an example in a blog post here, and also here. In one case, my friend Linette’s Christian home became inhabited by a black blob because her visiting daughter had been playing with a Ouija board somewhere else. When the young woman left, she left her jacket. What exorcised that spirit from the house was personal, devout, Christian worship.

Travis tried hard to not clarify that they’re dealing with invisible, potentially dangerous, conniving entities that the native people called skinwalkers. He slithered around using scientific terms, but what their experiments are proving is that things from another dimension can be invisible but solid. Something that their eyes can’t see can knock a rocket off its path. Something that they can see is able to disappear into a rock mesa and come out of it on the other side. Their work is important and will add to our understanding, but I have a warning for them. I have studied the paranormal for a long time, have been reading about UFOs since forever, and I’ve been hanging out in a chat room with several abductees. Travis and crew, you’ve gotten off easy so far. Believe me when I say, you do not want a close encounter these skinwalkers, and if you manage to find that flying saucer in the mesa or on the Wilson ranch, you do not want to encounter the pilots. It could put your health in danger but even an even worse fate could come to your family members, both male and female. But you know this already, and so does the Bigelow crew. It would benefit your fan base if your show would be more forthcoming about the danger of conjuring UFOs.

Speaking of Bigelow, on the Beyond show, there was a leak from the years when Bigelow owned that ranch as well as the Utah ranch. It was revealed that Bigelow had such a personal encounter, and it may have driven him to sell the property.

Winding up

Knapp:  Bigelow went in looking for things to measure, but found all this other stuff. Do you have a battle plan? Travis: No, we’re just trying to stimulate responses and measure everything they can measure. “Every time something different happens.”

Knapp: Is it fun? Travis: “It’s adventurous.” They’ll have amazing experiences that they can look back on, but they’ll be glad when it’s all behind them. 

